Ask the Librarian
Children spend time with Santa at library What a delight to see the awestruck faces of children as they wait to speak with Santa Claus. Many happy children and their parents were here Saturday for a Christmas craft, a snack and a lapsit with Santa. It’s one of our favorite events.
Please remember the Uniontown Public Library will be closed this week Thursday, Friday and Saturday for Christmas. Next week, we will be closed Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. We will open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 2.
Do you have last minute gifts to buy? Run to the book store for a gift that will be welcome by any and all; a book on their favorite subject or by an author they like. I’m a sucker for a cookbook with lovely photos so I know what the recipe is supposed to look like when it’s done, or another book on daffodils, herbs or plants in general. My husband would devour a Dan Brown book, and one of my daughters loves suspense fiction. Books are so easy to wrap – all square and solid – and it’s something the receiver will refer to for years.
Our final story tme of the year will be the Christmas Story Time at 11 a.m. today. Miss Dianne always does a wonderful Story Time.
The staff and I would like to thank the Friends of the Library for the brunch they hold for us and our volunteers each year at this time. The food was delicious, and the friendship warmed hearts. Our Friends group does so much for this library raising funds so we can offer the children’s programs for summer reading, operate the Scholastic Book Fair that brings books to children, and many fun-filled events and meetings. If you’ve thought about attending a meeting of the Friends, the second Monday of each month at 1 p.m. is their meeting date and time. All are welcome. Please stop in. You can confirm the date by checking our Web page ( and clicking on the calendar feature.
If you’re a library user or simply appreciate the fine library we have here in the community, why not consider a year-end donation to the Uniontown Public Library to help us keep our doors open. Even with reduced state aid we’ll experience in 2010, we’re working very hard to maintain a high level of services for you. Please help us with a gift to the library.
As you read this column, think of this. We are now on the other side of the Winter Solstice, so each day our hours of daylight are growing longer and longer.
Come see us in the library, buy someone a book for Christmas, and, from all of us here at the library, Merry Christmas.
“I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.” – John Burroughs
Lynne E. Tharan is director of the Uniontown Library at 24 Jefferson St., Uniontown, telephone 724-437-1165.