Bobtown news
News from Mt. Pleasant Church Louise Dingle, president of the Council for the Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church in Dilliner, presided over the recent meeting in July held at the church fellowship room. It was noted that volunteers are needed to paint the lines on the parking lot spaces.
A sign-up sheet is at the church for those available and able to help at the Covered Bridge Festival at the white Bridge on Sept. 19 and 20. The church will have drinks and food available with proceeds being used for the church’s “Raise the Roof” fund.
Plans are being made for another Italian buffet to be held on Sunday, Oct. 18, from noon until 3 p.m. in the fellowship hall. More information will be coming soon.
The meeting was closed with prayer by Kitty Casini.
The Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Women held a yard sale recently at the home of Ted and Lori Shuppe in Newtown. Many items were donated along with food and drinks. Everyone was thanked for their help and those who supported the event. All proceeds will go to local, regional and international mission funds.
Vacation Bible School will be held at the church each evening from 6 until 8:30 p.m. from Aug. 2 through Aug. 7 and for children from age three and up. The theme this year will be “Studio Go! Game Show.” For more information, call Lori Shuppe at 724-943-4432, Dotty Shuppe at 724-943-9808 or Sheila Clites at 724-725-3403.
The United Methodist Women will meet on Aug. 13 at 7 p.m. at the church. Jean Jackson and Lydia Carey will be hostesses. Any lady who would like to join the group are welcome to come out and enjoy the fellowship and join in at any time.
The women of the church will be having a cabbage roll dinner on Saturday, Aug. 15 in the fellowship hall from noon until 3 p.m. Adults tickets are $7 and children tickets are $4, with advance tickets being available from any of the UMW members. Tickets will also be available at the door. Take-out orders will be available. All proceeds will be used for mission work.
Civic Club meets
Jennifer Skumalien presided over the monthly meeting of the Shannopin Civic Club at Bobtown held recently in the hall.
Jason Craig and Greg Leathers of the county homeline explained the importance of having a shelter in time of disaster or emergency in the community and surrounding area.
The club voted to give permission to the group for a shelter at the Civic Club hall.
It was decided by the group to change the date of the Bingo Bash. It will be held on Oct. 4 with doors opening at noon. Tickets and more information are available by contacting the club president.
The club will be participating with the Arts and Crafts Festival at Greensboro Sept. 4 and 5. Volunteers to help make cabbage rolls and other items should be at the hall at 9 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 4.
A donation was made to the “Back to School Bash” to be held at the Bobtown United Methodist Church grounds on Saturday, Aug. 14 at 4 p.m.
A discussion w as held pertaining to holding the Community Days in Bobtown next year. More information will be available soon.
The monetary gift was won by Jennifer Skumalien.
The next meeting of the group will be on Monday, Aug. 17 at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting scheduled
On Wednesday, Aug. 5 at 6:30 p.m., the monthly meeting of the Administrative Council for the Bobtown United Methodist Church will be held in the social hall of the church. Plans will be finalized for the “Back to School Bash,” which will be held on Saturday, Aug. 15 at 4 p.m. on the church grounds. All donations for this event should be given to Arnold or Kitty Friend.