Praise Jesus
God Bless America. Yes, that’s the way it should be, instead they want to take God and Jesus out of everything.
They want to modify God’s word the Bible to fit their needs and lifestyle. What is wrong is wrong and what is right is right, according to God. All praise and glory should go to God not man.
Pray for the President and the leaders of our government. They will be judged by God in the way they lead America. Pray America pray. True believers stand on what you believe in.
Jesus is coming back. The signs are all around. The world is in turmoil. Pray for the ones who don’t know Jesus that God will remove the “blinders from their eyes” and let them come to know the Jesus that I know full of love and compassion.
Jesus is real. He is the only one who died a complete sacrifice and came back to life so we could have a way to heaven. Do you want to go to heaven? I bet everyone does. Don’t you know that in heaven everything will be about Jesus, God’s goodness, happiness, praising Jesus, loving him, everything Jesus.
So why not now serve him. Let him come into your heart. He loves you. Christians don’t give up. We are on the winning side. God has already won. Eternity is forever. When you die it’s not the end, it’s just the beginning. The day of the Lord is near for all nations. As you have done it will be done to you. Your deeds will return upon your own head.
Put God back into his rightful place in America – in our hearts, home, lives, everything. God loves you, but he is also a God of judgment, and he will judge sin.
History will be made like the world has never seen when Jesus comes back and every eye will see him and every knee will bow to him to the Glory of God the Father. God will bring every deed into judgment including every hidden thing, whether it be good or evil. Jesus will return, He is coming back.
Are you ready to meet him?
Kim Lindsey
New Salem
Surgery mixed blessing
What is this miracle that happens right after the removal of a cataract?
If a male, you suddenly find out what the passenger side of the car looks like after being the driver all your life.
The following day after your routine checkup at the clinic, you become amazed at being able to read the signs along the road and further amazed by how sharp they are. After returning home and looking at the newspaper, you wonder if the print was always this legible or did they just yesterday find a better way of doing it.
As I looked out the window I could swear that I saw two birds kissing at the top of a tree 300 yards away. And my TV suddenly turned into hi-definition. Then there are some disadvantages. The morning after my wife had the surgery done upon awakening, she sat on the edge of the bed, took one look at me and exclaimed; My God, the wrinkles you’re getting. That same morning I had to take her back to the clinic for her checkup. I asked the doctor if he could reverse that procedure. The nurse who had her back toward me jerked around and gave me that dirty old man look.
The doctor asked me why. I told him because of what my wife told me about my wrinkles. Without skipping a beat, he told me they had a remedy for that downstairs with their plastic surgeon.
Every time I combed my hair previously in front of a mirror my hair looked blond. That morning it was pure white.
I just discovered what I thought was a beautiful job I had done shampooing my rugs was now showing all the spots that I missed.
And the inside of the dining room door frame that I painted years ago was now showing white paint on the inside of the mahogany door frame.
Maybe I should inquire about that reverse procedure again or just allow people into my house that still have their cataracts.
Leroy Bryan
East Millsboro
Thanks given
I want to thank Lee’s Plumbing and Excavating, Inc., Robert L. Jurosco Jr. and his employees, for the exceptional work they did when pulling the blazer out of the mud at the Isabella Dump recently.
And I want to thank the fire departments that came out to give their assistance.
Pat McCloud