Pals’ Ladies Auxiliary
Masontown news The Pals’ Ladies Auxiliary will hold its Christmas party at the Diamond Ballroom on Dec. 6 beginning at 1 p.m. Reservations must be made by Nov. 29. Cost is $5. Dues for 2010 will be accepted until Dec. 31.
The next meeting of the auxiliary will be on Jan. 6 beginning at 7 p.m.
Committee chairman is Sue Schroyer, and Debbie Smodic will donate the $5 gift.
The Pals’ Children’s Christmas party will be held on Dec. 20 at the Pals’ Club Social Hall beginning a 1 p.m.
AG North Band
The Albert Gallatin North Band will sponsor a Bob Evans Community Fun Night Saturday.
A portion of all sales, which also includes take-out orders, will benefit the band when customers present one of the AG North Band flyers at the register.
Flyers are being sent home with all band members for distribution to their friends and families and are also available by calling Nancy Joswick at 724-438-0881.
Makeover Contest
Masontown Matters is asking Masontown schools, churches and civic groups to participate in a contest that involves decorating the flowerpots and storefront windows on Main Street. The theme can be either a winter or Christmas theme.
The schools will decorate the flowerpots, and the adult groups will decorate the storefront windows. Public voting will determine the winner in each category.
The winner of the storefront window will win $100, and the winner of the flowerpot will win $50. All groups wishing to participate must notify Jo Lofstead by Nov. 30 of their intent to enter the contest by e-mail at
More information will then be given following your registration.
Italian Ladies
The Masontown Italian Ladies Auxiliary will hold its Christmas party Dec. 2 beginning at 5 p.m. at the Hartley Inn in Carmichaels.
A $10 gift exchange is optional. Please call any officer with reservation.
Cemetery Friends
Friends of the Masontown Cemetery will meet at 6 p.m. Monday at the John Maykuth Funeral Home.
Anyone interested in preserving this local treasure is asked to attend.
Celebration planned
Masontown Matters invites all Masontown residents to a Christmas celebration at 6 p.m. Dec. 11 at the corner of Main Street and Church Avenue, across from PNC Bank.
The town Christmas tree will be lighted, carols will be sung, cookies and beverages will be available, and voting for the favorite storefront window and flowerpot will take place.
Community Kitchen
The next Masontown Community Kitchen meal will be held Tuesday from 4 to 7 p.m. The evening’s meal will be the chefs’ house specialty, homemade spaghetti, salad, Panera breads and desserts.
The last meal at the soup kitchen was on Nov. 10 with nearly 200 meals served.
The Community Kitchen is located in the First Presbyterian Church at 102 W. Church Ave. Meals are served between 4 and 7 p.m. every other Tuesday.
The staff at the Kitchen reminds the public to invite someone to attend who they may know is in need of a meal and the social and spiritual fellowship and hospitality found there. The meals are free to anyone in need, but donations are welcomed and thankfully accepted.
Information for making a contribution or to schedule time as a volunteer to help the Community Kitchen may be obtained by calling Kathy West at 724-583-9514 or Bettie Crable 724-583-7464.