Jimmy Carter blasted
Letters to the Editor Candidate criticized
On Nov. 3, voters of the Uniontown Area School District will go to the polls and decide who to fill the four open seats on the school board. There will be six names on the ballot, including past board member Susan Clay who was rejected by voters in the 2007 primary.
Do we want to go back to the days when the taxpayers had no input, were lied to and were treated as a necessary evil that had to be tolerated by the board, or do we want to move forward, get the three schools renovated and concentrate on educating our students?
Let me remind you of Mrs. Clay’s record as a past member of the board. This is a record she now hopes you have forgotten.
Remember paying $49 for one phone call plus all the other calls that we never did know the cost. Remember paying the architect month after month even though the “Taj Mahal” was never going to be built? Remember paying two people from the construction company $75 an hour each to attend board meetings? Remember the $2,000 drapes?
Remember the hiring of consulting firms? These are just a few examples of wasted money.
Is this an example of fiscal responsibility? Just think what could have been done with this money.
The present school board members (minus one) have been working very well together to keep taxes down, to get the three schools renovated and to stay within the budget.
In my opinion, as one who attends board meetings, I believe having Mrs. Clay on this board would be disruptive and not in the best interest of moving the district forward. Let’s elect people to the board who will work with this board on the present project and not someone who will do everything to prevent its success.
When you go to the polls, remember the extravagance of the “spendthrift six” who gave us a $68 million deficit and were very intent on building a “Taj Mahal,” no matter the cost.
There are other more qualified candidates on the ballot who are committed to work with this board. If we choose them, the school district will have three renovated schools, and will stay within the budget, and we can be sure we will get the most for our money.
Go to the polls on Nov. 3 and vote. Vote for the candidate who will do the best job for the students.
Jerrie T. Mazza
Thank God, we still have Jimmy Bob Carter, one of America’s great presidents to tell all white Americans that if they don’t support their dear leader Obama’s stupid policies they must be all racists.
No, Jimmy, you old senile fool, people are just realizing they elected a socialist who thinks the federal government should control your life, rights, and the people you should like, love or hate.
We all know it was those white racists who burned down major cities in the 60s and probably are the majority of the inmates in prisons, just like the NBA and NFL are all white.
Go away Jimmy and take the whiner’s racial victims, poverty pimps with you. Life isn’t fair or we would all be as smart as Jimmy Bob Carter or our dear leader Obama.
David Gardner
P.S. All white people should watch CNN. They’ll tell you how racist and worthless you are.