Connellsville authority likely will receive approval for lighting project
CONNELLSVILLE – The Connellsville Redevelopment Authority was informed Thursday that a long-awaited lighting project should get the green light from the state Department of Transportation (PennDOT) by Jan. 1. Widmer Engineering Inc. engineer Glenn Wolfe informed board members that the firm is in the process of finalizing documents for PennDOT so that bids can be received after its approval of the project.
However, Wolfe said that because the project must conform to state regulations, the initial scope of the project would be downsized to keep within the in-place budget.
In March 2005, Gov. Ed Rendell visited the city and presented a $201,250 check to officials. The funding was part of his Home Town Streets and Safe Routes to School initiative to make improvements along state-maintained roadways in struggling communities looking to revive their areas.
The city chose to add decorative lighting along Pittsburgh Street to match the in-place lamps along Crawford Avenue.
Over the years, the project has encountered several roadblocks, delaying the start of the lighting installation.
Wolfe estimated that the initial design of placing 20 lamps from Fairview Avenue to North Alley will cost $450,000 and without available funding to supplement the grant, the project will need to be downsized.
Authority Chairman Dexston Reed speculated the new lighting area would now include only Crawford Avenue to Apple Street because of the cost.
“The state is requiring a full-time inspector,” said Wolfe, adding that separate conduits and other equipment will also add to the overall project price.
Turning to other business, Wolfe said that work continues at Yough Park and will likely be completed in the near future.
“There was a glitch with the water line at Crawford’s Cabin that slowed things down, but that is being rectified,” he said.
In July, the authority approved a $206,000 contract with M&D Excavating of Connellsville to begin the first phase of the project that included the removal of the boardwalk, widening of the existing portion of the bike trail, decreasing the fenced area of a Connellsville Municipal Authority pump station, installing a kiosk area with benches, tables and landscaping, along with infrastructural improvements for security and water service.
Wolfe indicated that the bulk of the work has been completed.
Authority executive director Michael Edwards said that he anticipates the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) to notify the city next month as to whether it will receive a Community Conservation Partnerships Program (C2P2) $200,000 grant to move forward with the second phase of the park upgrade.
The funding, if approved, would allow for the addition of an asphalt path along the riverbank, play areas for children, a bike wash, the upgrade of restroom facilities and the stabilization of the riverbank with foliage and stone.
In other action, the board also conducted the following business:
Approved payments of $25,915 and $27,548 to George R. Smalley Co. Inc. for work completed at the Edwin S. Porter Theater and Performing Arts Center.
Discussed the 2009 state Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Edwards said that he anticipates the city would receive the go ahead on the specified projects next month.
Approved a payment of $2,625 to Kisiel & Rudnik for the 2008 authority financial audit.