Letters to the editor 9-27
Sportsmanship lacking On Sept. 9, I went to my daughter?s soccer match at Uniontown High School.
Their opponent was Connellsville Senior High, and what I observed from the Connellsville sidelines made my stomach sick. I have worked with youths for a number of years and I can say I am glad that my daughter is not on the Connellsville squad.
During the match I heard explicatives coming from the coach?s mouth.
Young girls or boys should not have to hear this. You have to remember these young adults watch every move the adults make. So is this the message we want to send? That it?s all right to use foul language?
Towards the end of match in regulation there was a red card against Uniontown. This means that a player has been ejected. Explain to me how the Uniontown player received a black eye?
There should have been two red cards, one against both teams. As for the complaints that there were bad calls, they were on both sides of the ball. As for the officials, they left a lot to be desired.
In closing, it was mentioned by the Connellsville coach that the Uniontown squad has come a long way. That is true. They had to survive a soccer match and a boxing match.
Come on, let?s bring sportsmanship back to the game, from the coach on down.
Roy Randolph Jr.
Why kill a pet
When we take on the responsibility of owning a pet, little do we know that their life will be shortened by a person that is heartless, mean and cruel to them.
That is the case in this rural community of Grindstone, Fayette County, specifically Mt. Vernon Road. We as pet owners love our pets as part of the family, regardless of kind.
Some individual who is not a pet owner didn?t care enough to sympathize with someone when their pet got loose and couldn?t get back home. That is the case with myself. No matter how hard we try to keep them in/on their cage, chain or fences they always find a way to escape. Mine got free and just so happened to wander on to a man?s property and was met with something it didn?t expect.
The owner confronted it and quickly disposed of it. How could a man be so inconsiderate in doing such a thing. Knowing whose dog they were to begin with?
I cried for days and nights when I found out what he had done after telling him that they were loose before hand.
This person will be judged, evil will not ultimately succeed and the evil ones will be brought to justice in God?s time if not by man?s law for doing such an act of inconsideration to his fellow neighbors. This is not his first time killing a pet.
Kansis Neth
Jefferson Township
Investigation needed
I think the time is long overdue for the state to conduct an investigation into the operation of nursing and personal care homes.
I have proof that the care being given is often substandard.
I know of a case where a man was confined to a personal care home for one month and the poor care may have cost him his life.
The man I am referring to acquired three large bed sores on his buttocks that went all the way to the bone.
The personal care home was paid an additional $250 per month besides the usual standard fee to change his diaper and keep him clean so that he wouldn?t develop any bed sores.
Apparently they did not do this.
A few weeks after developing the bed sores, the man became so infected he died.
On his death certificate as a cause of death was the bed sores. It?s a shame. This poor man was a Veteran of both World War II and the Korean War and had to die that way.
Better care in the personal care home could have prevented this tragedy.
The shame of it all is it won?t bring the elderly gentleman back.
I wonder how many other people were abused in that same personal care home?
Should the ultimate goal of personal care homes and nursing homes be how big a profit you can acquire or that of taking care of their residents?
Ken Zaydel