Connellsville Township ponders equipment problem
CONNELLSVILLE TWP. – Thousands of dollars being spent to repair or maintain township equipment will likely be earmarked for the purchase of, at a minimum, one new road maintenance truck later in the year, following a Monday meeting discussion by supervisors.
Bob Carson, supervisor and roadmaster, informed the officials that three trucks used for winter maintenance are again out of service due to breakdowns that took place over the past two weeks.
When questioned about the unavailability of the trucks, Carson responded that, despite low mileage, the vehicles were not properly maintained in the past, causing the current problems.
“I thought we had them in pretty good shape, but some other things happened,” said Carson.
Supervisor Chairman Rick Adobato said that the township budget can’t sustain the continual repair bills and recommended that the officials consider the purchase of newer equipment.
“How much money are we putting into these trucks that maybe we could instead be using for the payment on a new truck?” he said. “Due to a lack of maintenance, this equipment is already worn out.”
The supervisors agreed that Adobato and Carson should attend the April Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors convention to evaluate available equipment and at the same time seek grant funding or low-interest loans to defray the cost to the township budget.
“We need to do something,” said Carson.
Turning to other matters, secretary Leah Brothers said that the township has yet to receive the 2009 audit of township finances from the accounting firm of Kisiel and Rudnick despite several inquiries to the Connellsville firm concerning the need for additional information or the finalization of the document.
According to Adobato, the delay is impacting the receipt of a $100,000 loan the municipality is seeking to pay for the recent construction of a new township building and repairs to the township garage.
“We’ve been using money from the general fund to pay the bills for the building and we can no longer do that,” he said. “If we had the audit we would be able to finalize the loan.”
In other action, the supervisors also conducted the following business:
n Agreed to pay former solicitor Richard Bower $1,365 for services rendered in 2010.
n Authorized the sale of a truck bedliner, police cruiser bar light, three restaurant-style tables and benches and a small office building. Those interested in the purchase of any or all the items should contact the township office.
n Announced that the supervisors and the Bullskin Township/Connellsville Township Joint Sewer Authority will meet Friday with representatives from the office of U.S. Rep. Mark Critz, D-Johnstown, to discuss solutions for the mine subsidence taking place along Buttermore Boulevard. The 10 a.m. meeting will take place at the Connellsville Township Volunteer Fire Co. social hall. The public is invited to attend.