Would Jesus Send Me to the Psychologist?
Most people don?t view psychology the way I do (or the bible for that matter!) I don?t expect you to agree with me and I?m not upset if you don?t. I just want to implore you to look into these things from a biblical perspective thouroughly before deciding what is the best course of action in regards to psychological help. The truth is, doctors who treat physiological problems such as diabetes do so with drugs and treatments proven to work on those symptoms, preventing furthur physical problems as much as can be expected?psychologists, most times, treat emotional or behavioral symptoms with either drugs that are intended to mask the symptoms, sedate the patient or councel them with their own personal opinons about what is best for the patient rather than the Word of God. There is nothing that ?cures? bipolar disorder and as I?ve experienced, and the myriad of drugs my poor mom has to filter every day through her otherwise healthy body is a sin?bc they don?t do much if anything to help her issues. Not to mention all the wacky unbiblical advise she?s been given by so called ?christian? psycologists?.everything from ?think happy thoughts? to ?your behavior is a direct result of your father?s inattention to you??and while some of the causes of the problems may be true enough?we aren?t called to focus on the problems of life or target others responsible for our own issues in an effort to blame shift, but rather the solutions from a biblical standpoint.
Never once do I see Christ or his disciples tell someone who is hurting or sinning to delve into their past and look towards self esteem?in fact they say the opposite! They say look to the future in the world to come bc you?re not from here?of course you?re going to feel like an alien and a stranger; of course you?re going to feel persecuted?but you?re not abandoned?pressed but you?re not crushed?and self-abasement is what they preached! Why? Because when you focus on the needs of others it?s hard to dwell on yourself and your own. Think of what Christ?s attitude was:
3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
7 rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death?
even death on a cross!-Philippians 2:3-8
Why would Paul preach that? Because he understood human behavior. He knows that even when we self-loathe or self-pity, it is really just pride that?s being manifested invertedly as opposed to being overconfident, pompus and arrogant. If we truly hated ourselves, we wouldn?t be so concerned with who is responsible for hurting us, get angry at those who oppose us or become depressed when circumstances are out of our control and unfavorable. Paul knew it was a self focus that was at the root of our own problems, no matter how they manifest?anger, sadness, pride or embarassment. For all of these sprititual issues, there is only one answer- Christ. That?s why he preached that we should not be selfish and introspective, for he knew humans innately are. Our example and cure is Christ?who, being God Himself did not dwell on his own pain but the problems of others who were in desperate need despite how much it hurt Him and how great and difficult the sacrifices were to do so for Himself personally.
Their ?science? is not proven (as the science that treats diabetes is) because you can?t draw hard lines across human behavior?only the Word of God is capable of properly diagnosing our issues and giving us the solutions for that. There are a number of factors, reasons, root issues all of which are specific and isolated to the individual when there is emotional problems or behavioral difficulties. It isn?t as though anyone really can ?diagnose? those kinds of problems?anyone except the Lord?and once He does, drugs are still not the answer, forgiveness towards others and deference and submission to Him are the only ?cures? that will bring us out of that darkness, spiritually, physically and emotionally speaking.
That being said, there are only two psychological disorders that are physiological in nature (where you actually can see physical changes in the brain taking place?my mom has brain atrophy where the parts of her brain affected?logic, memory mainly?are actually dead and black on an MRI) which are bipolar and skitzophrenia. Everything else is speculation and unprovable bc you can?t make blanket statement or ?cures? for human behavior?that?s why we need Jesus. (Do people have similar problems regarding how they behave? Sure. I?m not saying they don?t. I?m just saying the cure is not found in discovering the reasons/excuses for behavior or in antidepressants, it?s found in surrender to Christ. Being connected with a group of believers who will encourage, exhort and love you in genuine relationship is also very helpful?which is, ironically what a ?councellor? is except that the relationship is based on your paying him and his advice is generally not biblical?the enemy always replaces the genuine blessings of the Father with superficial imitations that lack power and grace.)
Even with the physiological evidence, I am completely convinced that only Christ can help with these problems?bc that?s my experience. Broken arms need medical doctors, broken hearts and lives need Christ. That?s how I see it, given the situation and circumstances of my entire life, if that stuff worked?I?d promote it?but from what I can see it only creates more problems, more excuses, less attention to reality and root issues of the heart?the psychologist tells me it?s not my fault, the drugs keep me from feeling the saddness meant to drive me to my Savior and the godly sorrow that is necessary for repentance. I speak as someone who has not only experienced the effects of false psychological methods and approaches (at the hands of Chrisitans no less!) in my own walk, but also seen them disproved and ineffective in my mother. Depression is horrible, but perhaps it is necessary in God?s plan in taking me to a new level. Idk, but what I do know is that when problems are spirtual in nature (not physical), they must be dealt with spiritually. And who would argue that depression, emotional outbursts and physical altercations are not, at the very root most certainly spiritual issues?
But how can we be held responsible if our center for reason is malfunctioning, right? I know. But according to the scriptures, we are. I see no instance of remediation of our responsibility to live a godly life if we have this disease or that one?(although modern psychology tells ppl that all the time whether they murder someone or steal a piece of KFC?insanity is an acceptable excuse for wrong behavior.) I see a God who is able to produce fruit in men who were once dead as much as He can in men who struggle with physical infirmities. I think of Nebuccanezzar who bc he didn?t give praise to God, he became mentally infirm so the Lord could show Him who He truely was?and at the end he came out praising God and recognizing the absolute sovereignty of God in everything!
At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever.
His dominion is an eternal dominion;
his kingdom endures from generation to generation.
35 All the peoples of the earth
are regarded as nothing.
He does as he pleases
with the powers of heaven
and the peoples of the earth.
No one can hold back his hand
or say to him: ?What have you done?? ~Daniel 4:34-35
Did you catch that? God caused him to ?lose his mind? for a time with a specific end in mind. The means was psychological instability?the end was salvation and trust in the One true and Sovereign God!!!!
Peter simply stated it this way:
Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, 12 having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation. ~1Peter 2:11-12
There isn?t a hint of self help there. He simply exhorts us to ?abstain.? And what is his premise? We are different. We are not of this world. Why would we use the methods they use? We have a far better solution to bring us to a place of life and godliness?what we lack is obedience to that solution. It is a tragedy when a Christian decides or is convinced that he is mentally unstable and then goes to the world in search of answers. Christ is sufficient for our spiritual weaknesses. Even when men were foaming at the mouth and physically harming themselves, Christ always treated their condition as a spiritual issue, casting out demons and offering forgiveness.
I have a friend who was an alcoholic. His wife finally left and he decided to try to stop drinking. He has now been diagnosed with bipoloar. He went from blaming his ungodly actions on alcohol to blaming them on mental infirmity. He has yet to repent and take responsiblity for the things he does. He has adopted a victim mentality that, if not forsaken, will never allow him to see the Solution. How tragic. He?s convinced that his particular issues are too much for Christ and that there is no power to free him from sin. He instead, must just learn to accept that it?s not his fault and others will have to accept that as well. Well, I have a problem with sin, too, friend. I?m prone to lust, greed, envy and pride. But I have a Savior who can rescue me and restore me to a righteous life if I acquiesce to His Lordship. I know this is true because the Bible assures me:
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. ~2Peter1:3-4
Everything. Everything! Consider with me what the implications of such a teaching are. Christ lacks nothing that we need given in order to live a godly life in Him. That is amazing news! But will the psychologist tell me that? Idk?but the truth is?He can give me peace when I?m raging. He can give me self control when circumstances push me towards losing control. He can give me love when people demonstrate hate. He can give me patience in contant frustration. He can do all things in me if I listen to His still small voice instead of the lies of the enemy. And if He can?t, either His Word isn?t true or He isn?t my Lord.
Whether there is a physical element to your issues is what must be determined bc as I shared about the alcoholic, many ppl are diagnosed with problems they don?t truely have as an excuse for their behavior. Even if it is physical, I highly reccommend seeking a more wholistic approach to treatment bc regular exercise, a better diet and supplements have really improved not only my, but definetley also my mom?s issues when she struggles. Again, if modern psychology was a provable, helpful science, I?d back it?but that?s just not true.
I?m not trying to be down on anyone or any approach you decide to take?I support you no matter what you decide and I wouldn?t think any less of you either way. I?m telling you these things bc I honestly want to see these problems improve and I honestly believe these are the best ways to see bona fide results. I myself get sad for seasons without apparent cause?nothing makes it better but circumstances can make it worse. Sometimes I feel very guilty about being so sad when I have such a good life?but it reminds me to rely on my Savior all the more. I know this journey of pain and strife is what the Lord has chosen to bring me to a place of trust, understanding and hope that He really is in control of all things.