Redd up Connellsville campaign underway
CONNELLSVILLE – A variety of organizations and individuals are encouraging residents and business owners to get out the broom and paintbrush to “redd up” Connellsville.
Resident Johanna Harden, member of the city health board and garden club, told council that April is the start of the tourist season in Connellsville and it should also be the time for those living and working in the city to do some spring cleaning.
“Are we ready to greet these visitors or are we as the old Pennsylvania Dutch housewife says, in need of some redding up?” said Harden.
Multiple activities will take place through September that will draw out-of-town visitors, beginning April 7 with the Yough River Trail race.
“That brings approximately 300 runners to our town,” said Harden.
Read the full story on Sunday in