Back to Church Sunday observed this weekend
“Back to Church Sunday,” part of a national movement of churches across America, will be held at Laurel Mountain Baptist Church in Gibbon Glade at 10:30 am Sunday.
National “Back to Church Sunday” ( is an initiative that is “Inviting America Back to Church.” It seeks to reach the “un-churched” and “de-churched” — people who once attended church, but don’t any more — and invite them to return for a special Sunday. Back to Church Sunday was launched four years ago in response to a survey of 15,000 adults in the United States. Results showed a personal invitation from a family member would prompt 67 percent of Americans to visit a church, and 63 percent said an invitation from a friend or neighbor would cause them to attend a service.
“We had our first experience with Back to Church Sunday last year. We had over 50 in attendance and are looking for a good turnout this year as well,” said Mark Berkshire, pastor.
Since its inception, National Back to Church Sunday participants have invited more than five million family members, friends and neighbors to their churches.
Read more in Friday’s religion section.