Voter registration deadline Monday
Fayette County residents wanting to vote in the May 21 primary must register by Monday with the election bureau.
Larry Blosser, county election bureau director, said that current registered voters wanting to change their address, party affiliation or other information must also do so by the close of business on Monday.
“This is the final day to register or change registration information before the primary,” said Blosser.
The election bureau is also alerting certain voters in Dunbar, Isabella and Uniontown, of changes in the location of polling stations for the primary.
Blosser said that Dunbar Borough voters will use the Dunbar Borough Volunteer Fire Department social hall instead of the department truck room to vote. The social hall is located at 1 Fireman’s Lane.
Isabella voters in the Luzerne 3 district will vote in the social hall of local fire department located at 615 3rd Street, said Blosser.
Also, Uniontown District 3 voters will now cast their ballots at the Lafayette Elementary School for the May 21 primary instead of the St. John The Byzantine Catholic Church.
Blosser said voters should use the Gordon Street rear entrance of the elementary school rather than the building’s main entrance on Connellsville Street to enter the building.
For more information, call the election bureau at 724-430-1289.