Connellsville Twp. supervisors address parking complaints
CONNELLSVILLE TWP. — Complaints of parked vehicles that are obstructing views on several township roads were addressed by the supervisors on Monday.
Secretary/treasurer Leah Brothers reported numerous telephone calls regarding four to six parked cars at a residence at the intersection of Buttermore Boulevard and Blake Avenue that are hindering motorists’ views.
Additionally, Brothers said the parked vehicles were making it difficult for the street department to plow during the recent snow.
Supervisors Vice chairman Donnie Hann said he also received complaints about a parking problem in the 1300 block of Purdy Street and Kell Lane.
Supervisors Chairman Tom Cesario said supervisors would review the parking situation in both areas and possibly place “no parking” signs where necessary.
In an unrelated road matter, Cesario said the township is operating with two trucks instead of three because of a transmission problem.
According to Cesario, the township received more calls than usual from residents about the roads during the recent snow.
“When we go from three to two trucks, our strategy changes, where we are concerned with the primary, then the secondary (roads),” said Cesario.
Cesario asked that residents be patient and advised them to call the office if they have a question.
“It’s all based on our equipment and if it’s up and running,” he said.
In other business, the supervisors agreed to wait until the end of winter to decide how much salt to purchase through a cooperative purchasing program offered to municipalities by the state.
Brothers noted supervisors have until March 15, and have purchased 350 tons of salt in the past.
Supervisors additionally agreed to enter into an annual lease agreement with Hanson Aggregates of Connellsville at a cost of $10 a year to store maintenance equipment in a building Hanson owns on McCoy Hollow Road.
The lease was drafted by township solicitor Benjamin Goodwin and is awaiting approval from Hanson.
Supervisors agreed to table to a proposed sewerage ordinance that would require property owners to have sewer service prior to moving into a residence or for new construction.
In another matter, the supervisors accepted the resignation of Robert Goodwin from the township board of auditors effective Dec. 19, 2012, and appointed Marlene Grenall to the position.