Local residents urged to work together
I was very moved this week as we attended the BALLE Conference in Buffalo, N.Y.
BALLE stands for Business Alliance of Local Living Economies. Essentially, it is the national organization for Buy Local programs.
I was so rejuvenated at this conference because it was amazing and awe-inspiring to see so many people across the country involved in the same types of programs as us here in southwestern Pennsylvania.
I was fortunate to take a tour of Buffalo’s West Side. This area is a traditional landing zone for immigrants and includes large enclaves of Somalian, Sudan, Middle Eastern, Mexican and Central American, Puerto Rican and Asian people.
This area has gone through a significant decline over the years; however, through the efforts of the local residents and local programs such as PUSH Buffalo and Buffalo First, which is a buy local program, a revitalization is taking place. Where dilapidated homes once stood, urban gardens that employ local children through city programs, now stand — chicken coops and all. Small, locally-owned businesses are able to purchase these crumbling buildings for a small price and open, thus reducing crime in these areas.
It was very powerful and moving to see this happening, and I can envision this same movement going on here.
But, it’s important to note that this revitalization is only possible because the local residents are supporting and encouraging this change to take place. It’s possible in this area, and I would love to see this start happening here.
We at the Buy Local Network want to encourage you to call and reach out to us on what you want to see happen in our area. I asked last week what types of businesses you want to see in our downtowns, but we also want to know what changes can take place in your neighborhoods to make them better for your families and friends.
Email me at loris@faypenn.org or call me at 724-437-7913 and talk to me about the changes that we can make happen together.
We must be able to sustain our local communities and that includes our local businesses as well.
With National Small Business Week beginning tomorrow, it’s a great time to help begin to change the perception of our area and help to get the ball rolling for local business and community progress.
Lori Ann Scott is a sustainable communities specialist for the Fay-Penn Economic Development Council.