Vehicle crash involves horse that fled fairgrounds

DUNBAR TWP.– State police said a horse that died in an accident involving a sport utility vehicle on Thursday night got loose from the Fayette County Fairgrounds.
Trooper Stephani Plume said an SUV was traveling northbound on Route 119 near Ranch Road in when it struck the horse at 9:56 p.m. A passenger in the SUV was flown to a hospital for non-life threatening injuries. Plume did not know which hospital.
More information, including names of the driver and passenger, as well as the owner of the horse were not available.
Bill Jackson, fair board president, said the horse was involved in activities at the Outdoor Arena on Thursday night.
The schedule lists the events as the Boys & Bulls Rodeo and a team penning competition.
Jackson said, “The fair board is saddened by the events and we’re still gathering information. We can’t make additional comments at this time.”
The fair continues through Saturday night.