147th Greene County Fair opens today

WAYNESBURG — The historic Greene County Fair, a tradition since the 1860s, is one of the county’s longest-running events, an important piece of local history that always has recognized the importance of agriculture and farming.
And now, 147 years after the very first fair in Greene County, that tradition continues.
This year’s fair, which features the theme of “Treasure the Memories,” will be held today through Saturday at the county fairgrounds.
Debbie Stephenson, secretary/treasurer of the Greene County Fair Board, said this year’s fair will offer many of the traditional fun events that fair-goers have come to love, as well as live musical performances from popular groups such as the Chris Higbee Band and the Mag Dog Rodeo Band.
In addition to those musical performances, the fair will offer no shortage of family fun. There will be many different types of events and activities that offer something for everyone, including draft horse halter and hitch shows, horse and pony pulls, amusement rides, harness racing, tractor pulls, a petting zoo, a demolition derby and much more.
Agriculture and farming once again will be spotlighted with numerous scheduled events throughout the week, including the 4-H and open goat show, 4-H rabbit show, 4-H and open dairy cattle show, 4-H and open beef cattle show, and 4-H market and lamb and steer shows and sales, to name a few.
The fair also will feature truck pulls by Power Pulling Productions, LLC, and the return of Croushore’s Demolition Derby.
This year’s fair will feature several unique attractions throughout the week, including Dennis Beach’s Custom Wood Carvings, which will offer several shows daily; Monster Truck rides; and Jan Marchezak’s Barnyard Petting Zoo. Those events will be featured Tuesday through Saturday.
The amusement company Tropical Amusements Inc. will be bringing rides for children, teens and the whole family.
General admission price to the fair each day is $8. Everyone coming through the gates must have a ticket.
Stephenson said the fair board remains committed to keeping the admission price low.
“It has been many years since the admission price has increased,” she said.
“We want to keep the price low so families can come out and support a true community event. The fair gives those who attend the very best of what we have to offer, all for such a reasonable price.”
Stephenson said the fair will again focus on the importance of agriculture.
“The Greene County Fair will proudly continue its long-running tradition of emphasizing the importance of agriculture, especially in rural areas like ours,” she said.
Stephenson also thanked the many sponsors, the county commissioners and employees, 4-H youth, vendors and exhibitors who support, assist with and participate in the fair each year.
“Without any of them, there would be no traditional fair in Greene County,” she said.
“Their contributions help ensure that the Greene County Fair showcases its proud heritage, each and every year.”
Stephenson stressed that the annual fair is a true family event.
“Throughout the whole week, the fair offers a wonderful variety of wholesome entertainment for everyone in the family,” she said.
“Hopefully, everyone, young and old alike, will come out and support the Greene County Fair, and have the time of their lives, and make their own memories that they will always treasure.
“That,” she said, “is what the fair is all about.”