Towels, syringes clog Point Marion pumping station
POINT MARION — Borough workers managed to avert possible environmental problems and keep operations flowing after working hard for three days last week to clear a pumping station that had become clogged with flushable personal wipes and medical syringes.
“The guys worked really, really hard to get it fixed,” said borough Manager Art Strimel at a council meeting Wednesday. “It clogged up the sewer operation completely,” he said of the two full-sized bath towels that were also removed.
Information concerning the discovery of the needles had been shared with the Southwest Regional Police Department, which was contracted in April to provide police protection to the borough, he added.
Also at the meeting, members of the park committee reported that close to 40 children participated last month in a free basketball camp that was organized by Michael Weitzeil, a West Virginia University student working to complete 50 hours of community service as a requirement of his Pathologist’s Assistant program.
“They had a lot of fun,” said Councilwoman Victoria Evans of the kids from as far away as Masontown and Morgantown, W.Va., who showed enthusiasm by showing up early and staying throughout the entire event.
Fundraising efforts for the camp were so successful that every participant was able to take home a basketball and $300 in excess funding has been set aside to organize a similar event next year, committee members said.
“It was nothing but good,” said recently-appointed Councilwoman Kathy Griffith.
Borough officials also reported that a “meet the lenders” seminar organized by the River Town Program and held at the borough fire hall at the end of July was also well attended. Evans said that information from the seminar, including how small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs can seek expert guidance and loans to start up or expand their businesses, will be stored at the borough building for public review.
Griffith said that recent attempts to show movies at the park as part of the borough’s popular Movies in the Park program had been rained out. “We’ve been struggling with Mother Nature, but we will try again,” she said.
Borough officials said that after examining the weather forecast, they will attempt to show Despicable Me 2 at the park beginning at 8:45 p.m. today. Officials are planning to show the last movie of this year’s program on Saturday, Aug. 16. Popcorn will be available at both showings.
Evans also said that beginning next month, the borough will be testing Mailchimp as a way of generating an online community newsletter.
Currently, only residents using borough water and sewer services receive a printed newsletter that accompanies their monthly utility bill.
“This is for folks (who live) on the other side of the bridge, but are still part of our community,” she said.