Uniontown authority fails to get quorum
The Uniontown Redevelopment Authority called a special meeting for general purposes that was to be held Wednesday, but only two board members showed up, one fewer than needed for a quorum.
Present for the meeting were Harry Fike and recently appointed board member Antoinette Hodge. Uniontown Mayor Ed Fike was also in attendance, but he is not a voting member of the board.
The mayor had said at City Council’s August meeting that he would be making an appointment to fill a five-year vacancy on the board created when he failed to renew the term of James Sileo, which expired in July. Board member John Ptak has missed the past several meetings because of health reasons, leaving only Hodge, Harry Fike and Brian Ludy as active members. Ludy had intended to attend Wednesday’s meeting, but had to cancel at the last minute due to a conflict with his work schedule.
Ed Fike said there are several people interested in filling the position short-term, but no one who wants to make a five-year commitment to the volunteer position.
The special meeting had been called for general purposes, including the awarding of the contract for milling on Grant and Whiteman streets, with the city public works department doing the repaving work.
Redevelopment authority executive director Mark Rafail rescheduled the meeting for noon Wednesday, Aug. 27.