Give-A-Christmas total rises to $4,510
Readers contributed another $33 to the Herald-Standard’s Give-A-Christmas campaign, raising the total to $4,513.
“I’m glad to see donations continue to come in as we try to raise $50,000 for the Salvation Army,” said Sparkle, the Christmas star, who is mascot for the campaign.
The latest donations included Lauren and Madison Price, Smithfield; David M. Callahan, Point Marion, who gave in memory of Dot Corcoran; and Donna M. Mehalek, New Salem, who gave in memory of her husband, Joe.
“Thanks so much for these gifts,” said Sparkle. “They’re a big help to us as this campaign gets underway. Remember we have a lot of money to raise and a short time to do it. The campaign closes at noon on December 23 so we have only 20 days to reach our goal.”
Donations will be distributed to units of the Salvation Army that serve the Herald-Standard readership area. Contributions will be given to the unit that serves the area in which the donor gives but donors can designate their funds be given to any unit of the Salvation Army in the Herald-Standard readership area.
“Remember that units do not share funds, so if you want to help your local Salvation Army, you need to give,” said Sparkle.
Donations can be mailed to Give-A-Christmas, c/o Herald-Standard, 8-18 E. Church St., Uniontown, PA 15401 or brought to the Herald-Standard office in Uniontown from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Sparkle cans also have been placed in numerous store locations in the Herald-Standard distribution area.