AG school board approves personnel moves
POINT MARION — The Albert Gallatin Area School Board approved numerous personnel moves on Wednesday in advance of the 2014-15 school year.
Board members unanimously approved the retirements of teachers Bernadine Moore, Sam Miller and William Foti.
The board approved a leave of absence for Foti from Aug. 19 this year to March 25 next year, when his retirement becomes effective. Moore’s and Miller’s retirements took effect on Wednesday.
Superintendent Carl Bezjak commended all three for many years of service to the district.
The board awarded Clara Chetosky a guidance counselor position at George J. Plava Elementary School and awarded Melissa Balchak an English teaching job at Albert Gallatin North Middle School. They bid on the positions, which became available due to retirements, Bezjak said.
The resignation of biology teacher Ken Perkins was accepted.
Six temporary professional employees were hired. They are Kristen Mack, guidance counselor at Masontown Elementary School; Mike Long, social studies teacher at Albert Gallatin High School; Kessica DuBois, high school English teacher; Jennifer Leech, elementary school to be determined by Bezjak and Jacob Magerko, math teacher to be assigned by Bezjak.
The board created a one-year, half-day math teaching position for both middle schools that will be funded by a School Improvement grant.
Ellen Heldebrant was hired as the head girls varsity basketball coach, Jason House was hired a head middle school football coach, Tom House was hired as assistant middle school football coach, Joy Valente was hired as middle school cheerleader coach and Mike Simon and Ron Marciante were hired as summer condition coaches at the high school.
Three voluntary transfers were approved. Music teachers Kevin Milliken and C.J. Durso voluntary switched positions, Bezjak said. Durso will teach at the high school and be the band director, and Milliken will teach at Masontown and Plava elementary schools. Liana Addis transferred to a learning support job at the high school.
In addition, the board recognized two recently-graduated seniors for never missing a day of classes.
Wesley Gower and Tyler Greenwood attended all 2,340 days of school from kindergarten through their senior years, said gigh school principle Jason Hutchinson.
Solicitor Lee Price gave both students $500 college scholarships.
In other business, the board:
n Approved the refinancing of up to $18.5 million of the remaining principal of bonds issued in 2007 to reduce payments and eliminate some fees.
n Approved a $153,812, five-year lease with De Lage Landen Publib Finance LLC to upgrade the district’s fiber optic system.\
n Approved a $4,007 payment to Masscon Inc. for the Plava renovation project. Change orders adding $8,106 in costs and deducting $5,119 were also approved.