Judging results from Fayette County Fair
Judging results from the Fayette County Fair include:
Fair Queen
Emily Kurilla of Point Marion is the 2014 Fayette County Fair Queen while Kaytlyne Povlik of Normaville earned the title of 2014 fair princess. Lyndsey Huhn of Adah was named Miss Congeniality and the judges said Caryna Hannan of Hopwood gave the best speech. The top five contestants included Kurilla, Povlik, Hannan, Lyndsey Butler of Connellsville and Ally Ramsey of White.
Carcass lambs on foot
Lauren Diamond won grand champion and champion heavyweight. Gina Shaffer was named reserve grand champion and reserve champion heavyweight. Brandon McDowell had champion middleweight and Taylor Hennessey had reserve champion middleweight. Dustin Butler had champion lightweight and Ronald Johnson had reserve champion lightweight.
Carcass goats on foot
Zachary Diamond won grand champion and champion heavyweight while Scott Gardner won reserve grand champion and champion middleweight. Russell Sveda had champion lightweight while Cheyenne Bash had reserve champion lightweight. Andrew Becker won reserve champion middleweight and Gina Shaffer had reserve champion heavyweight.
Wool Judging (Open Class)
Darren Crouse captured champion fleece, champion fleece colored wool and grand champion fleece.
Open carcass swine on foot
Amaris Richter won heavy weight. There was no light weight entries.
Breeding swine
Jaden Bushmire won grand champion gilt and reserve champion gilt.
Berkshire gilt
Ashley Pritts won champion. Jaden Bushmire won commercial gilt champion and reserve champion commercial gilt.
Bushmire also won champion Duroc gilt and Ashley Pritts had reserve champion gilt Duroc.
Champion Yorkshire guilt went to Bushmire.
Open class breeding swine
Ashley Pritts won champion berkshire guilt and Addilyn Shearer had reserve berkshire guilt. Champion duroc guilt went to Jaden Bushmire and Ashley Pritts won reserve champion duroc guilt.
Carcass steers on foot
Jake Ritenour captured grand champion and Angela Becker won reserve grand champion.
Hay and Grain
John Black won grand champion.
Angel food cake contest
Winner was Bonnie Swartz.
Apple pie contest
Patty Mills was first place winner.