Personal Blog: thetune
In a country where you could be 18 and go to the Middle East and catch a bullet in your behind or have your vehicle explode from a roadside bomb and three of your best friends are killed, you have to be 21 to set down and have a cold beer and smoke a cigarette. there is something really wrong with this picture. If you had to wait until you were 21 to defend this great nation of ours we would all be up I do do creek without a paddle. To purchase people want you to be 21 to have a beer or a cigarette. I think some of these useless surveys are not that useless at all. They tend to remind me of how screwed up some people think and it makes me wonder about others about their ethics and morals. My son could go to iraq and come back in a body bag when is 18 but he can on sat down with me in a local bar and have a beer and smoke with his old man. come on people there are no moral absolutes but many of you think there are. So many are so quick to judge othersit makes me wish that I would have grown up in the forties and fifties. Yep, I’m wishing my life away but at least I probably would not be hearing surveys such as this over 60%?it should be the complete opposite in my humble opinion.