Lori’s Look: Buy Local Holiday Giveaway around the corner
I need to get adjusted to this time change.
I’ve been falling asleep at 8 p.m. every night this week. That’s one of the not so great things about the winter months in southwestern Pennsylvania.
Luckily, we have our annual Buy Local Holiday Giveaway around the corner to put everyone in better spirits.
The Buy Local Holiday Giveaway is a great way to support locally owned businesses while getting the chance to win some great prizes.
The contest will start on Black Friday, Nov. 29, and will run through Dec. 12.
The winner will be notified the following week.
The contest is simple – anytime you shop at any of the Buy Local Businesses between those dates, mail a cop of your receipt to Fay-Penn Economic Development Council with your name and contact information, and you will be entered to win $500 and $250 in Buy Local gift cards.
There may also be a third prize, and more details will be announced at a later date. It’s that simple. And we mean any Buy Local Business. Do you grocery shop at Pechins or Adrian’s Market? Eat at the Boston Beanery or Bud Murphy’s? Get your shoes fixed at Barrera’s? These are just a few of the Buy Local businesses. You can get a full list at buylocalfayette.org.
And don’t forget to fill out our short online survey about the Buy Local program and our local farmers markets. Your feedback is very important to us, and we will use your suggestions and ideas to make our programs better.
The survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BuyLocalNetwork.
It’s so important that we support our locally-owned businesses and farmers, not only during the holiday season, but all year long. I said last week that State College has such a strong, core downtown area, and that’s because residents and visitors make it a point to patronize the shops, theaters and restaurants there.
And while I know that their demographics are different than ours, the concept is still the same — our downtown is only going to be as strong as the businesses that are there, and they can only grow and attract more businesses if we are spending at least some of our money there.
Shop Small Saturday is coming up, and I know for sure that some of the downtown Uniontown businesses will be offering special savings and incentives as well as a chance to win a great gift basket put together by all of the participating businesses.
If your town is doing something like that, please let me know.
You can email me at loris@faypenn.org.