Connellsville officer says high school boys ‘poked’ not stabbed
Two Connellsville Area High School students were treated at an area hospital after they were “poked” with an unknown object Wednesday, said Mike Parlak, chief of police and head of security for the Connellsville Area School District.
Parlak said a 17-year-old junior at the school “poked” his two friends in their legs with an unknown object while they were hanging out in the school’s library. He emphasized that the alleged victims, a 16-year-old freshman and a 15-year-old freshman, were not stabbed.
The two injured boys left the library and the incident was not immediately reported to school authorities, Parlak said. However, when the mother of one of the boys realized what had occurred after school, she reported it to school officials.
Parlak said the two boys were taken by their parents to the area hospital to get checked out.
When he went to question the boys involved on Wednesday, Parlak said that he found the the teen who allegedly poked the boys and the 16-year-old alleged victim together at Yough River Park.
Parlak said the 17-year-old will face disciplinary action from the school district. He said criminal charges will be filed by the school system against the boy.
Dr. Daniel C. Lujetic, district superintendent, was unavailable for comment Thursday.