Business briefcase 4-5-15
Course offered
Penn State Extension will offer a food safety training course to help food establishments meet a state Department of Agriculture requirement to employ a supervisory employee with food safety training and accreditation in compliance with the state Food Employee Certification Act. Food service establishments that must comply with the act include restaurants, food vendors and snack bars, among others.
The course will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 13 and from 9 a.m. to noon April 20 at the Penn State Extension office in Uniontown. An exam, which attendees must pass to complete the course, will be held at 1 p.m. April 20.
The course fee is $175 per person and pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, visit online at or call 724-837-1402.
Talk scheduled
Jack W. Babich, senior vice president and chief human relations officer at AmeriServ Financial Bank, will be the featured speaker for this month’s CEO Conversations at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus, at noon April 15.
Babich has more than 27 years of experience in corporate human resources and labor relations in the financial industry. In his current position, Babich directs collective bargaining, human resources and organizational development for AmeriServ Financial Inc., AmeriServ Financial Bank, AmeriServ Trust and Financial Services and West Chester Capital Advisors.
The event, which is free of charge and open to the public, will take place in the university’s student center on the lower level of the Williams Building.
Applications sought
The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) is accepting grant applications for the Chevron Community Fund. The CFFC will consider grant requests of up to $10,000 from Fayette County nonprofit organizations for projects focused on, but not limited to, STEM education, workforce development and basic human needs. To apply, visit online at and complete the Chevron Community Fund Grant application. Applications must be post-marked by April 15.
Meeting set
The state Department of Transportation (PennDOT) will hold an interactive, online public meeting at 7 p.m. April 16 to allow Pennsylvania residents to contribute their transportation priorities and suggestions. To register for the meeting or provide input, visit online at Questions can be submitted in advance of the meeting by emailing
Hyjurick hired
Edward Hyjurick of Uniontown recently joined Somerset Trust Company as a commercial loan officer, working at the bank’s Hopwood branch. Hyjurick has 17 years of experience as a bank commercial lender in western Pennsylvania during a 23-year career in the banking industry.
Hyjurick holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from California University of Pennsylvania and has attended the Pennsylvania Bankers Association School of Banking and the American Institute of Banking. He is active with the Kiwanis Club of Uniontown and serves on the Confer Vista Senior Housing board of directors.
Applications sought
Soroptimist International of Fayette County is accepting applications for the Violet Richardson Award, which recognizes young woman between the ages of 14 and 17 who improve the community through volunteer efforts. Club-level winners become eligible for a $1000 award. To request an application, call the Fayette Chamber of Commerce at 724-437-4571.
Agriculture protected
The state Department of Agriculture announced recently that $2.8 million in federal funding through the 2014 Farm Bill will support 21 projects that will protect the state’s agriculture industry against pests and disease. The grants will help eradicate Spotted Lanternfly, diseases affecting honeybees and numerous other threats to agriculture. The funds will also support outreach and survey efforts for orchards, grapes and other industry segments.
Reports released
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) market news grain auction report for western Pennsylvania for March 30 is as follows:
Dealer and broker bids: Corn, number 2, $3.68-$3.69, average $3.69; wheat, number 2, $4.93; soybeans, $9.25-$9.40, average $9.36.
Feed and grain mill bids: Corn, number 2, $3.79-$4.25, average $3.99; oats, number 2, $3.50-$4.35, average $3.91.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) market news hay auction report for central Pennsylvania for March 30 is as follows:
Alfalfa, premium, 255-310; mixed hay, premium, 240-335; timothy, premium, 240-310; grass, good, 200-380; straw, 100-240.
The Herald-Standard publishes news in the Business Briefcase each Sunday. Items can include changes in business management, location and hours; retirements; executive-level promotions; and most non-promotional business events. Information can be sent to
Informational session
Fay-Penn Economic Development Council will hold an informational session regarding the Fayette Leaders Academy, a new, interactive series to further develop business, community and government leaders in Fayette County.
The session will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. April 27. Fay-Penn offices are located at 1040 Eberly Way, Suite 200 in Lemont Furnace.
To RSVP or to request an informational brochure, contact Fay-Penn workforce development specialist Tom Cramer at 724-437-7913 or