
Business briefcase 12-6-15

2 min read
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Weltz named

Laurel Highlands Visitors Bureau recently named Anna Weltz director of public relations. Weltz will oversee planning and implementation of strategic media relations, communications and other outreach efforts for the organization.

Weltz previously served as executive director of the Ligonier Valley Chamber of Commerce and communications manager at Seven Springs Mountain Resort and Hidden Valley Resort. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in public relations from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Courses offered

West Virginia University Continuing and Professional Education will offer online forensic science courses for criminal justice professionals who are looking to enhance their understanding of the field.

Participants will learn how to properly collect, identify and analyze biological evidence at crime scenes. For more information, visit online at or call 1-800-253-2762. Registration for the winter term is currently occurring.

Auction report

Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Inc.’s market report from the livestock auction in Waynesburg on Dec. 1 is as follows:

Cattle: Stock cows, 85-125. Slaughter cows: Utility and commercial, 65-85; boner and boning utility, 60-75. Bulls: Yield grade 1, 1,500-2,000 pounds, 85-107; yield grade 2, 1,000-1,400 pounds, 85-115. Feeder steers: Medium and light 1, 250-280 pounds, 150-210; 300-500 pounds 150-200; 600-900 pounds, 140-190. Feeder heifers: Medium and light 1, 300-500 pounds, 140-200; light 1, 400-650 pounds, 135-190. Feeder bulls, medium and light 1, 300-620 pounds, 140-190. Calves: Veal, prime, 125-160; choice, 100-175; good, 40-55. Farm calves: Number 1 Holstein bulls, 90-120 pounds, few, 175-225; number 2 Holstein bulls, 80-100 pounds, few, 100-200; beef, bulls and heifers, 275-300/head.

Hogs: Barrows and gilts: Number 1-2, 210-255 pounds, 55-60; number 2-3, 255-280 pounds, 60-72. Sows, number 1-3, 300-500 pounds, 30-45. Feeder pigs: Number 1-3, 25-35 pounds, 11-45/head; number 1-3, 45-75 pounds, 25-65/head.

Lambs: High choice, 80-100 pounds, 165-210; choice, 40-75 pounds, 180-220; feeder lambs, good, 100-175. Sheep, 65-90. Fat sheep, 60-85.

Goats: Large, 125-225/head; medium, 50-185/head; small, 5-50/head.

Brief policy

The Herald-Standard publishes news in the Business Briefcase each Sunday. Items can include changes in business management, location and hours; retirements; and most non-promotional business events. Business information can be sent to


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