One injured in two-vehicle crash

NORTH UNION TWP. – One man was injured when a truck struck another in the rear late Friday.
Wintry weather conditions may have contributed to the 4:40 p.m. accident along Connellsville Street that left a small GMC truck in flames and damage to the front of a Dodge truck.
Thick black smoke and flames could be seen from both sides of the bridge. However, fire personnel quickly extinguished it and began moving the debris from the roadway, including the charred truck bed of the GMC.
A passerby warned pedestrians crossing the bridge, near Thurby Motors, of the slick conditions where the accident took place.
The unidentified driver of the GMC appeared to have cuts and bruises to his face, but said he was “OK” as he was escorted by a Fayette EMS paramedic to an awaiting ambulance.
The unidentified driver of the Dodge did not appear to have sustained any injuries.
Both vehicles had to be towed from the scene.
Both north- and southbound traffic was stopped as emergency personnel cleared the roadway.
In addition to Fayette EMS, state and Uniontown police, fire personnel from Hopwood, North Union and West Leisenring responded to the accident.