‘Hit list’ found at Charleroi Area Middle School
Discipline reportedly has already been administered to the alleged author of a “hit list” found Thursday in a hallway of Charleroi Area Middle School.
In an open letter to Charleroi Area School District parents and guardians, Superintendent Dr. Edward J. Zelich wrote that a middle school student found a handwritten “hit list” with other students’ names on it in a hallway.
“The list was immediately shared with a teacher,” Zelich wrote. In turn, it was forwarded to Middle School Principal Adam Brewer and School Resource Officer Ryan Brand, who began an internal investigation – after which, the superintendent wrote, “immediate disciplinary action has been served.”
Information about the alleged author of the list was not available. Zelich promised “additional security will be present in the middle school” starting Friday.
“A thorough investigation is ongoing with the Charleroi Police Department, mental health agencies and administration to determine appropriate consequences,” the superintendent wrote to parents and guardians, in a letter posted on the front page of the charleroisd.org website.
“Most importantly, we are contacting mental health agencies and therapeutic support personnel to further analyze the students’ mental health needs,” Zelich wrote. “The Charleroi Area School District will continue to place our highest priority on the health and safety of your children and our staff.”
The superintendent said the best way to alleviate such events in the future is for parents and guardians to talk to their children, and to share the Safe School Helpline with them.
“By calling or texting 1-800-418-6423 (extension) 359, you or your child can anonymously report information 24 hours a day, seven days a week for any potentially harmful event,” Zelich wrote. “As always, immediate reporting to school officials is strongly encouraged.”