Give-A-Christmas deadline just days away
Total: $15,425.68
Goal: $25,000
With just days left in the Give-A-Christmas campaign that benefits the Salvation Army, Herald-Standard readers are responding. The latest donations amount to $2,154 and raise the total to $15,425.68.
“Thank you so much!” shouted Sparkle, the Christmas star, who is the official mascot for the campaign. “Our readers are so generous, and we’re so happy to see this response. Remember that we want to raise $25,000 to benefit the Salvation Army in our readership area, and we only have a short time left. The deadline for donations is 5 p.m. Thursday!”
Several donors wrote nice notes to the Christmas star with their donations:
“Christmas blessings from the Israfil class of the Perryopolis United Methodist Church.”
“Dear Sparkle, God’s blessings for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year,” Anonymous in Uniontown.
“Dear Sparkle, Please accept this donation on behalf of the members of the Fayette Board of Realtors. We hope you have a very successful campaign this year! Merry Christmas to all!”
“Dear Sparkle, Hope this will give another child a better Christmas,” wrote Rose Soko, of Uniontown, who gave “in honor of my grandson Joshua Nickelson. He is so blessed with loving parents, grandparents, family and friends.”
“Dear Sparkle, Best wishes for a successful campaign,” wrote Carl and Shelley Williams of Uniontown, who gave “in memory of Charles Hughes and Kathryn Menni and in honor of our newest great-granddaughter Nola Kate Davis.”
“Dear Sparkle, We have been praying that the people will open their hearts once again this Christmas so you can reach your goal. Merry Christmas and a Happy and blessed New Year to all. God bless America and you, Sparkle,” wrote Anastasia M. Thomas and Ted Mincer of Uniontown, who gave “in memory of our parents: Marie and Frank Cenky and Inez and Edward Mincer and in honor and memory of all the troops and veterans who served to help keep our peace and freedom.”
“We have been so blessed in our lives and would like to help Sparkle in reaching your goal,” wrote Jim and Norma Cunningham of Uniontown.
“With hope and prayers for everyone,” wrote Mary and George Homer of Masontown.
“Dear Sparkle, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. We hope you reach your goal,” wrote Barbara Grimes, Sharon Berish and Colette Freiberg and their families, who gave “in memory of our brother-in-law Jim Duckworth who died on Dec. 11.”
“Sparkle, I want to thank the Lord for reminding us there are people who have less than we do and for calling on us to help them. God Bless,” wrote Jim and Mary Porter of East Millsboro, who gave “in memory of a lifelong friend (Tully) Ruth Rankin and a very good and kind friend Don Eadie.”
“Dear Sparkle, May God bless you for all the good work you are doing,” wrote Loretta Platos of Merrittstown, who gave “in memory of John Platos, Michael and Pauline Sandala and John and Adda Platos.”
“Dear Sparkle, We hope your light shines brightly on someone in the Masontown area. Merry Christmas,” wrote Yvonne Packroni, Pam Pontorero and Mickey Bezjak of Masontown, who gave “In memory of our parents, Telio and Jeannette Packroni and Paul and Dora Pontorero.”
“Dear Sparkle, Greetings to you once again,” wrote Gwendolyn and the Rev. Louis E. Ridgley Jr. of Uniontown, who gave “in memory of the Rev. Calvin Cash, James Dooley, Frances R.B. Vaughns and Ruben Burnett. Each of them celebrated Christmas every day with their love and good works. It is our fervent hope you will reach your goal. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”
“Thank you so much for the kind words and wishes,” said Sparkle, who noted that many others sent greetings of “Merry Christmas” with their contributions.
The latest donors also included West Virginia Thursday Morning Breakfast Club, Uniontown; Mike and Dorie Liptak, Uniontown; John and Annette Mamula, in memory of John Fagler, Hopwood; From her children, in memory of Honey Lou Gonzales; Patti Kurta, in memory of Andrew Kurta and Andrew Staron; Julia Ortmann, Uniontown; Patricia Mayllen, Uniontown; Charles Corcoran, Masontown; Janet Lomax, Uniontown; Karen Martin, Hopwood; Karen Fullmer, Uniontown; Loren and Sharon Hughes, “Please use in the mountain area,” Pittsburgh; Susan Toth, Brownsville; Elaine Raymond, Hopwood; Jim and Patty French, Smithfield; Paul Verska, Masontown; Floyd Geho, Uniontown.
“Thank you, thank you,” said Sparkle. “We appreciate every donation. But, remember, there are only days left to make a donation. Won’t you help?”
Donations can be sent to Give-A-Christmas, 8-18 East Church St., Uniontown, PA 15401 or drop them off at the Herald-Standard office during business hours. Deadline for contributions is 5 p.m. Thursday. The final amount collected will be announced in the Christmas Day edition of the Herald-Standard.