California Borough Council discusses road project frustrations
At its regular monthly meeting Thursday, California Borough Council discussed frustrations with the Washington County Redevelopment Authority with efforts to completely reconstruct the surface of California Technology Park Access Road.
Council members said that they could not get a firm price that the borough would have to additionally pay from the Washington County Redevelopment Authority for the reconstruction. Council President Patsy Alfano said the borough had already paid $155,000 out of its general fund to go toward the project, as well as a $300,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission and two Local Share Account grants totaling $200,000 and $550,000 respectively.
“They should give us a hard figure, as in, ‘This is what we’re guaranteeing you,'” Councilman Chip Glab said. “You wouldn’t buy a car before you have a price for it. We’ve been back and forth for four years on this.”
Council subsequently voted to enter into a reimbursement agreement contract with the redevelopment authority contingent on the borough solicitor’s approval.
In other business, council voted to approve Armstrong cable franchise accounts for five entities: the California Area School District, the California Borough Building, the California Volunteer Fire Company, the California Area Public Library and the combined plant near Coal Center. Four of the five entities’ contracts will last 36 months, except for the school district, whose account will be removed in 2017. The total combined franchise account figure will be $16,305 per year with the school district still included, and $13,486 per year once the school district account expires.
Council also approved a Mackin Engineering invoice of $2,920 for consulting for the borough’s overlay district and comprehensive plan update.
Alfano mentioned that council needs to think about which of its members will serve on the borough’s various committees, and that members will consider the makeup of those committees in the next week or so.
Council went into executive session after to discuss a personnel matter after adjourning the meeting.
Borough council’s next regular meeting will be held Thurs., Feb. 11 at 6:30 p.m.