DEP, CNX reach settlement on abandoned natural gas wells
The state Department of Environmental Protection and CNX Gas Co. LLC have reached a settlement on plugging abandoned natural gas wells in four counties, DEP reported Friday.
The abandoned wells are in Washington, Greene, Westmoreland and Allegheny counties.
DEP issued a consent order and agreement requiring CNX to post a $1.48 million performance bond and devise a long-term schedule to plug the wells and restore the sites. The agreement relates to 141 conventional coalbed methane and gas wells and five unconventional gas wells.
“These settlements represent a major victory for Pennsylvania’s citizens and our environment, today and into the future,” said DEP secretary Patrick McDonnell said in a statement.
Brian Aiello, spokesman for CNX, said in an email: “We have always worked cooperatively with the DEP regarding our well plugging obligations, and are pleased that we were again able to arrive at an equitable agreement which reflects our firm commitment to safety and environmental compliance.”
The Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Act, according to DEP, mandates that owners and operators plug wells after they have been abandoned. An abandoned well “has not been used to produce, extract or inject any gas, petroleum or other liquid within the preceding 12 months.”
Most of the affected wells are in Greene County. Seven are in Washington County.