Connellsville K-9 sworn in
A few raindrops couldn’t dampen the excitement surrounding the official swearing-in of the Connellsville Police Department’s newest officer on Saturday at Yough River Park.
County and city officials joined donors and members of the community as Connellsville’s K-9, Officer Ambroos, was officially made part of the city’s police force by Mayor Greg Lincoln. The dog’s handler is Patrolman J. Tyler Garlick.
Although Ambroos wasn’t required to do anything during the ceremony, Garlick’s partner participated as best he could.
“Ambroos is not a vocal dog, but he barked the whole time the mayor was reading his oath almost as if he was repeating the words,” Garlick said.
Ambroos was certified in narcotics detection July, and has been working toward his patrol certification. Garlick said they’ve been training in obedience, criminal apprehension, tracking and evidence searches.
Garlick said the patrol training should be completed at the end of October or early November, making Ambroos a “dual-purpose” K-9 who can be used in the city and throughout the county.
“He’s doing very well,” said Garlick of his partner. “It’s giving me a glimpse into his potential…He’s really coming out of his shell and you can tell he’s maturing. I couldn’t be happier (with his progress).”
Ambroos will be two years old next month and Garlick said sometimes he can’t believe how young the K-9 is because of how well he’s doing.
“He’s just become really consistent and my trust of him is growing,” said Garlick.
Support from the county was key in the acquisition of Ambroos, along with the K-9 vehicle and other financial support. District Attorney Rich Bower and Commissioners Dave Lohr and Vincent Vicites attended the ceremony to represent the county and its Bureau of Criminal Investigations.
Garlick said the event was not only an important step in Ambroos’ training, but an opportunity to thank the many people who supported the program.
In addition to the county, Garlick recognized New Haven Hose Company for sponsoring the K-9 program for various grants, such as the Ben Roethlisberger grant and the Walmart Pubic Safety Grant.
Other donors of the program included: Lupe Garcia, Meegan Ford, Tinker Associates, Martin’s Food, Connellsville CashSaver, Connellsville Police Auxiliary, The Mercuri Family, Stone & Company, Maynard Brubacher, William Fiesta, Connellsville Eagles and Eagles Ladies Auxiliary, Bud Murphy’s, Windy Acres Farm, Cricket Wireless, Superior Mulch, Somerset Trust, Stephanie Kostelnik, Connellsville Elks, Pleasant Valley Masonic Lodge, Patricia Gulino, The Strawn Family, The Schroyer Family, Greater Connellsville Chamber of Commerce, Armstrong Cable, Connellsville Lions Club, Connellsville High School Student Council, Luann Garlick, Linda Frederick/Leah Reed, Yough River Trail Council, Fayette County Cultural Trust, Central Fellowship Church, County of Fayette, Urosek’s Towing, Community Bank, Scottdale Bank, Connellsville V.F.W. and V.F.W. Auxiliary, Wooddale Bible Brethren Church, Uniontown K.O.A., Friends of state Rep. Pat Stefano, and Connellsville Pizza King.
The K-9 program was and continues to be funded solely through donations, grants and fundraising efforts, and is always accepting new donations. For more information on how to make a donation, contact Garlick at the Connellsville Police Department at 724-628-2501 x153.