PennDOT details maintenance projects in Fayette County
The state Department of Transportation has released a list of work plans for this week, with projects starting on Monday.
Included in the list are:
n Bridge repairs will take place on Tom Cat Hollow Road
n Crack sealing will take place on Route 51 (Pittsburgh Road)
n Patching will take place on LaBelle Road
n Brushing/litter removal will take place on various routes in the Uniontown, Connellsville, Smithfield, Summit and Mill Run areas.
Signs will be updated, downed signs will be reset on various routes, and work orders will be addressed on various state routes countywide.
In addition, signs will be updated, downed signs will be reset on various routes, and work orders will be addressed on various state routes across the county.
Work on these projects will be in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and state Department of Health guidance as well as a project-specific COVID-19 safety plan, which will include protocols for social distancing, use of face coverings, personal and jobsite cleaning protocols, management of entries to the jobsite, and relevant training.