Fayette County Fair Schedule – Wednesday
Wednesday, Aug. 2 – WMBS Day & Senior Citizens Day
Hours: 10 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.
Admission free for those 62 and older until 2 p.m. – must show identification. (Senior citizen admission does not include carnival and outdoor arena. Upgrade available at the fair office.)
8 a.m. Judging 4-H Dairy Goat Showmanship (Show Arena)
Followed by Open & 4-H Dairy Goats
9 a.m. Judging Open and 4-H Beef Cattle (EQT Arena)
10 a.m. 4-H Horse Fun Show – Day 2 (Horse Arena)
12 p.m. Senior Citizens Contest (Fiddler’s Building)
Participants must be at least 62. Trophies and ribbons will be awarded in a number of categories, including most senior man and woman and most great grandchildren. A king and queen will also be crowned, followed by an ice cream social. Registration begins at 11 a.m.
12 – 4 p.m. Williams Energy- Breakout Box Challenge (Youth Building)
3 – 11 p.m. Carnival Open
5 – 7 p.m. 4-H Game Club- Board Games & Pokemon Playing and Trading (Youth Building)
5:30 p.m. Cheerleading Exhibition (Fiddler’s Building)
6 p.m. Judging of 4-H Market Steers (EQT Arena)
7 p.m. Monster Truck Races featuring Freestyle Motocross (WVU Medicine Uniontown Hospital Arena)
7 – 8 p.m. Rabbit Hopping with Birds and Bunnies 4-H Club (Youth Building)