Revolving cell doors
Price hike is just too much Dear Editor:
It seems as though the taxpayers aren’t paying enough taxes in the Albert Gallatin School District. Some nitwit board director thought it was time to raise the price of admission to all paid fall sports.
Four dollars to see a high school football game. Let’s get with it people. Get real.
What the people need to do is boycott all paid fall sports this coming fall in Albert Gallatin School District.
I will go to another high school and watch football or any sport that doesn’t cost as much.
Let’s face it, we are not Penn State, West Virginia or Pitt.
This is a school district in Georges Township. Get the picture?
As a 1963 graduate of German Township High School I would have to say that you board members are very foolish and silly. In other words, slow to learn.
Bill Hixon