So much for small-town living
Teacher union grew powerful Dear Editor:
Some 30 years ago this teacher drove through freezing slush to testify in Harrisburg against passage of Act 195. J. Michael Fisher was the moderator. Being a long-time opponent of strikes, my decision was easy. Of course, PSEA and AFT spokesmen won the hearts and votes of politicians.
After passage of Act 195, Pennsylvania endured more teacher strikes than all other states combined. The cost of education took one giant leap forward – education did not. Then the NEA (national union) took over; teachers had to belong to all (local, state, national) or none.
This sad situation – sad because many of the very best long-term teachers refused to be bullied into a blue-collar contract – developed into an “agency shop” where “negotiation costs” (set by union bosses) were extracted from non-union teachers. A refusal meant loss of job.
The union opened 11 regional offices where teachers could have easier access. This meant more costs and higher dues. Some of these “Uniserve” offices were managed by strike organizers – not educators.
I wrote to the PSEA president and suggested that four, not 11, offices, might be adequate for serving teacher needs. What a bad idea. With the expansion, costs and dues increased. With the increased dues, the union bosses had to pacify the teachers – increased wages and benefits. The vicious circle continues as the leaders enjoy their cushy jobs. With the Internet and “800” phone contacts, I question that any regional office is necessary. They are certainly not cost-effective.
Act 195 has been a burden to bear for parents and taxpayers. Costs have ballooned while education has been “put on the back burner” (NEA spokesman). Our government has injected large sums of money into education, but the record shows that learning is not in direct proportion to dollars spent. America needs a better answer. Perhaps less “fun” and more emphasis on the basic disciplines and better discipline in the school and in the home.
Chuck Lewis