Not all land is priced same
In response to Mr. Hercik’s statement in which he claims any shack or utility building on an acre automatically makes the acre worth $2,400. Also, any barren acre is worth $2,400. This is ridiculous.
If I could see any acre for $2,400, I would mortgage my home and buy up all the property I could find. Granted, an acre with utilities is worth more than an acre without. But $2,400 in this area is ridiculous.
In the Aug. 5 issue of the Smart Shopper there is an ad of 42 acres for $42,000 in White. In the Sept. 11 issue there is an ad of one acre with utilities for $1,000 in McClellandtown. Mr. Hercik says that any improvement justifies the $2,400 price.
I urge people to join me in these ridiculous assessments. If we pool our money and hire an attorney we can do something about this.
It is discrimination to have to go to court on land value but not on houses and buildings. It is going to be a hardship for people on fixed incomes to pay for a court battle. People not wanting to get involved will regret it later on. If you wish to join me, call me.
Jack Baird
Speak out on Patriot Act
The government’s demand for new and possibly unnecessary powers is a threat to our fundamental American liberties.
The USA Patriot Act permits law enforcement to investigate American citizens for criminal matters without establishing probable cause if they designate that the investigation is for “intelligence purposes.”
It grants the FBI and many other law enforcement and intelligence agencies broad access to personal medical, financial and student records with only the most minimal judicial oversight. These are only a few concerns.
In our government’s effort to preserve and protect our lives and security, is it really necessary to take away some of our basic freedoms given to us by the Constitution?
Are we really safer if we allow our own government to violate our liberty in the name of national security?
Airport security issues remain problematic.
Stories regarding sloppy screening of checked baggage for explosives and travelers carrying all manner of weapons up to the gate before being detected have been reported, and what about the “shoe bomber”?
Air marshals are reported to be “burned out” due to schedules that sometimes put them on flights for 10 days running at 12 to 16 hours per day.
Will sacrificing some of our liberties make airport security more capable and will it make the air marshals any more alert?
The failure of the CIA and FBI to share key information and the overlooked messages the National Security Agency intercepted contributed to the success of the terrorists.
Will sacrificing some of our liberties ensure the sharing of information between intelligent agencies?
Who removed the checks and balances that has been a part of America’s democracy for more than 225 years? Where is the U.S. Supreme Court?
Why are they not questioning the Bush Administration’s demand for new powers?
I’m mad at myself. No! I’m mad at myself, my family, friends and everyone else who are concerned about losing our rights but haven’t taken the time to write our congressmen and senators. Let them know we are troubled and disturbed over the direction the government has chosen.
Melissa Loveland
Mount Washington