Christians are on winning team
There have been several articles in your newspaper recently favoring homosexual unions. It is painfully clear that the homosexual movement is making serious advances, not just in promoting their agenda to our culture, but in their campaign to silence Christians who would proclaim God’s truth in the face of their propaganda. Among others, you printed an article by columnist Charlie Reese, saying it’s “no one’s business who marries whom.” Then came the sick cartoon on Nov. 31, picturing two homosexual women at the justice of the peace getting married and two men are looking in the window. One man is labeled Congress and he is saying, “Look they’re so happy, they’re secure, they’re not hurting anyone else,” and the other man who is labeled as the “Religious Right” is saying “So, what are we waiting for? Let’s stick our noses in there,”
Once more, Christians are being portrayed as the bad guys because we proclaim that God’s law prohibits homosexuality. Can you really believe that Congress has the right to overthrow the law given by our Creator who decrees that homosexuality is an abomination and a perversion of his plan for the human race? How can anyone say it’s not our business? The very structure of the traditional family is under attack. We hear of state after state proposing and passing laws that would make “civil unions” the equivalent of marriage. In their own public schools, thousands of children are being urged to reject the beliefs they have been taught at home and accept homosexual behavior as normal.
And it seems the Herald-Standard, by publishing these aforementioned articles, has joined forces with those who attack the Gospel and our right to declare it. I believe many of your readers are as disgusted as I was by the cartoon favoring gay marriage and ridiculing the religious right, and I am asking Christians to speak out against this shameful display in our local newspaper. Surely you have better things to print.
Christians, do you realize that in Canada it is already against the law for a broadcaster to say anything negative about homosexual behavior? And the march is on in the U.S. toward the passage of equally dangerous laws. We must not allow our right to proclaim the truth of God’s Word, a right on which this nation was founded, to be lost. The homosexual movement wants to stop us from saying anything critical about homosexuality. They have brought their agenda out of the closet and deemed it should be acceptable and protected by the law. Their goal is to raise homosexuality to the same level as God-ordained families.
The love of Christ compels us to pray for these deluded people who live in darkness. Recent studies have revealed that they have higher risks for depression, drug abuse and sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, homosexual and bisexual men attempt suicide at a rate three times higher than the general male population. God’s love can transformation and help them fulfill their potential in Him. But, in the meantime, we must not allow them to crush our religious freedoms.
Fight the good fight, Christians. We’re on the winning team. If God be for us, who can be against us? But we must let our voices be heard in our community and in our world. If we are silent, the minority will rule. Let them know that we will not be intimidated, we will not be discouraged and we will not be silenced.
Rosemary Fike
Obscene cartoon
Accolades to this paper for publishing the inspiring and meaningful mini-sermons of Rev. Alex Jalso. They are certainly needed in this area, and also in this day and age.
But raspberries to this paper for the excessive and continuing bashing of President George W. Bush. The cartoons are obscene in message and in the caricatures themselves. This newspaper never attacked the very ungodly Bill Clinton in this manner. I believe this paper endorsed him both times in his run for the presidency.
I realize the liberal media finds it very difficult to deal with a Christian president, George W. Bush. Obviously, the media lacks conscience, common sense and just plain courtesy.
And recently, there was a cartoon about a gay marriage. In this cartoon, the religious right was portrayed as vicious. This had been preceded by a lengthy article concerning a gay speaker at a local college campus.
Robert Pfeil