
Kerry’s hypocrisy

3 min read

I am writing in response to the disturbing letter by Matthew McCormick entitled, “Q & A with president” from April 4. It is this type of rhetoric that the “liberal left” consistently uses to attack President Bush. I find it ironic that Mr. McCormick calls President Bush’s military record and personal conduct into question when individuals such as presidential hopeful John Kerry and former President Bill “Slick Willy” Clinton are admired by so many. If you want an example of a less than par military record, you need look no further than Sen. Kerry. I think it is unnecessary to defend President Bush after eight years of the Clinton regime. Because it is an election year, and I would imagine Mr. McCormick thinks John Kerry is this country’s savior, I recommend he consider the following. – Kerry is for more government control and redistribution of wealth through targeted tax cuts. Think of the last time a Democratic president gave a true tax cut. Kerry’s idea sounds like class envy and socialism to me.

– Kerry’s record proves he is weak on national security by voting against funding for our troops, intelligence and defense systems after he said it would be “irresponsible” to vote against money for our troops.

– Kerry’s stance on an issue depends solely on his audience. He voted for going to war and numerous other programs created by the Bush administration and now he is against every one. He and his party are politicizing the war after nearly everyone in the government, as well as the entire world, knew there were WMD in Iraq. Now, all of a sudden everyone forgets about the 12-odd years Iraq disobeyed U.N sanctions to destroy them.

I think President Bush should be applauded for his “no nonsense” and “proactive” foreign policy. In times of terrorism, we don’t want another liberal in the office to appease other countries rather than standing up for ours. They clearly feel that it is acceptable to go to war, if and only if, France, Germany and Russia say it’s OK.

– Kerry and his party are using a new campaign strategy of placing blame for 9/11 on President Bush. He was in office approximately 250 days before the tragedy, while Clinton had 8 years to deal with terrorism and three chances to capture Osama Bin Laden. Who’s to blame there?

– Kerry says that unemployment numbers are up and there aren’t enough jobs. Unemployment is approximately 5.6 percent, which, if I recall, is close to the percentage the Clinton administration was praised for reaching.

These points only scratch the surface ot the hypocrisy of Sen. Kerry and the left. While I do not assert that the president is perfect, I do feel he has done a tremendous job as our commander in chief, given all that he has faced in the last four years. As for Mr. McCormick and his commentary, I think he has a bright future as host of one of the six pathetic liberal talk shows endorsed by the popular socialist team of Al Franken and Jeanine Garofalo.

Jeremy Donai



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