Knock in middle of the night
Why do the Masontown police knock on a resident’s door at 4:30 a.m. to ask my daughter-in-law to wake my grandson up so he can identify these three teens they had just picked up? She refused to wake him. This made the officers mad. These three teens said they were at this resident’s house earlier. Yes, they were there pounding on the side of the house where my grandson sleeps. Another person was up at this time, getting water. She told the teens to get lost and quit pounding on the house.
My grandson was not up, so his aunt, who was visiting, went with the cop to identify these teens.
My point is why couldn’t this have happened on a business day from 8 to 4 or whatever, not in the middle of the night just to please the police.
Where were the Masontown police when I wanted them about seven months ago? I even went to the police station but all cars were parked and not a cop in site. Now this was at 7 p.m. I don’t need them now.
Joyce Leckemby
Round of thanks
I personally would like to thank all the participants in our 71st annual Americanism Parade held on May 1 in downtown Uniontown. Any part you may have played meant so much in making this one of the largest showing of patriotism in our local area.
The World War II veterans’ truck, the Iraqi float, and all veterans in all the wars cannot take a back seat and can always be counted upon to preserve the freedom of the greatest country in the world – the U.S.A.
Many thanks to our featured speakers, book ad contributors and all workers. This parade showed your support and hard work paid off.
Again, I ask you to continue to support and pray for the safe, speedy return home to their families for all the troops in harms way.
Most of all, I cordially thank all the citizens who lined the streets of downtown Uniontown in support of our program.
God Bless all.
Joe T. Joseph
Pennsylvania Department of American Legion, Uniontown
In Monday’s letter written by Connie Mack Rea, two sentences were inadvertently run together, distorting the thought the writer wished to convey. It should have read: Athletes prefer any load of embarrassment, however great, to any pressure of learning how to write and speak, however light. Universities as easily cheat athletes of their education as a soldier is cozened of his pay by a clever girl.