
Nation forgets about God

3 min read

Even as we celebrate the birth of our nation, we continue to see the decline of our founding fathers’ hopes and dreams. Had they imagined that a future generation would so misread and distort their writings, they would most certainly have been greatly dismayed. They believed in and hoped for a Christian nation that would always bow the knee to its Creator. Anyone who reads their historical documents can clearly see this. And they warned that a country without God could not succeed. A group of minority liberals are striving to edit and discredit the Bible to fit their culture of immorality, and are changing the meaning of the Constitution to fit their ungodly agenda. It has recently been decided by our Supreme Court that The Ten Commandments cannot be displayed on government property if it is being done for religious purposes. This is a contradiction when you consider, as Justice Scalia said, religion is part of America’s traditions, from a president’s invocation of “God bless America” in speeches, to the national motto “In God we trust.”

Many moral issues have now been taken over by the government and laws have been made reversing God’s commandments. Abortion is now considered a political issue. Little babies by the millions are being slaughtered in the womb and it is legal according to the government. Some pastors are even afraid to preach on moral issues because they might lose their tax-exempt status.

The Bible says that God knew each one of us while we were in the womb, even before we were yet formed, and he had a plan for each and every one of our lives. How do we know what wonderful things this world has missed because God’s plan was thwarted through the sin of abortion? Possibly one who would have found a cure for cancer was aborted and God in his justice is leaving mankind to their own evil devices where this disease is concerned. There is a penalty to be paid when we sin against God.

“Standing in the Gap” is a newly formed group in Uniontown and if you’re concerned about the direction our nation is going, watch for our meetings in the Community Calendar. We would welcome your involvement. Christians, we need to fight harder than ever to keep God in our nation. We can’t survive without him. Let’s let our voices be heard. As Zell Miller said, “Silence isn’t always golden, sometimes it’s yellow.”

Rosemary Fike



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