World of Opinion
On G8 leaders facing world challenges: Thanks to the Live8 concerts and the preliminaries for the G8 meeting in Scotland, the whole world should be aware of the chronic problems of Africa. Yet, as they gather today, there are growing doubts about the commitment of the leaders of the eight richest nations to introduce policies that would make a change. …
President George W. Bush has already scotched any idea that America is in a generous mood. With the United States economy feeling the pinch from Iraq, he has declared that his primary purpose at Gleneagles will be to put America’s interests first, presumably in the belief that what is good for America is good for the world.
The other leaders will try to disabuse him, arguing for a collective approach to matters like aid to Africa and global warming, but they know the task they face, given America’s influence as the world’s biggest consumer and only superpower. Even Tony Blair, as the G8 president, has been warned not to expect any favours because of his uncritical backing for the war in Iraq.
Nevertheless, the public response to the Make Poverty History campaign and the Live8 events represents a challenge to the politicians that they would be foolish to ignore. …
If the G8 can only produce toothless documents, which members are free to interpret, it will be seen as the cosy, capitalist club that its critics decry. No one supports the mayhem that anarchists brought to the otherwise peaceful demonstrations in Edinburgh, but there is a strong groundswell – particularly among the young – for a fairer distribution of the world’s wealth, based on the human right to life. Politics, in general, is on trial this week
On the Live 8 concerts:
It wasn’t hard to be jubilant during the weekend’s Live8 concert. But now both G-8 countries’ leaders and ourselves will be challenged to show whether we are willing to sacrifice anything at all for change. …
For many countries, debt relief means a badly needed economic freedom. But for many African countries, more basic reforms are needed. The rich countries can help with some changes. Others, the countries must carry out themselves: the battle against corruption and building institutions and democracy. …
The great challenge … is the debate on trade barriers. … Everyday, the rich countries subsidize agriculture with one billion dollars. These subsidies keep many of the poorest countries from building a foundation for managing without the sporadic, alms of the rich.
Bergens Tidende, Bergen, Norway
On working towards Iraq’s new constitution:
The travails of the Iraqi government are far from over even though it has finally succeeded in persuading the country’s Sunnis to participate in the drafting of a new constitution. The tribal and religious leaders who made the deal with the government do have standing within the community. Several of them are believed to be closely associated with the Sunni fighters who spearheaded the national resistance against foreign occupation.
However, there is no indication that this group has agreed to act as a conduit between the government and those waging the liberation struggle.
There is reason to doubt that these leaders are capable of playing such a role; in fact, the resistance intensified during the talks. The constitution-drafting exercise might actually fuel the anger Sunnis feel towards a government made up largely of parties representing Shias and Kurds. The communities do not see eye to eye on issues such as the weight that should be given to Islam as a source of law and the amount of autonomy the provinces should get.
The compromise at the core of the agreement could also become a source of trouble. The Sunnis gave up their demand for more seats on the drafting committee than the 15 offered after the government conceded that constitutional provisions would be adopted by consensus, not by majority vote.
This looks like a recipe for gridlock. There is very little chance that the constitution will take final shape before the August 15 deadline. …
The Hindu, Madras, India
On aid to Africa and global climate change:
Just before the summit of the Group of Eight nations, President George Bush has said that he is willing to double aid to Africa but is not willing to tackle global climate change.
This is a tragedy for the whole world, Africa and the United States included.
British prime minister Tony Blair had wanted the G8 summit in Gleneagles to commit to increased aid for Africa as well as a concerted effort to end global warming.
But the Bush administration completely denies that climate change is happening and that carbon emissions are responsible.
The New Vision, Kampala, Uganda
Yet the world is undoubtedly getting warmer and climatic fluctuations more extreme. The desert is now predicted to spread in southern Africa, hurricane damage is intensifying in the United States, corral reefs are dying as oceans heat up and glaciers are melting on mountains.
Any benefit from extra aid to Africa will be lost if climate change accelerates further and makes the agricultural environment in Africa even more difficult.
In fact it would even be better for Africa if Bush flipped his position – if he refused to increase aid to Africa but agreed to start restricting carbon emissions in the United States.
On the kidnapping of an Egyptian diplomat in Baghdad:
The kidnapping of the head of Egypt’s diplomatic mission in Baghdad does by no means do good to Iraqis’ interests. The opposite just holds true. Ihab al-Sharif’s kidnappers should remember that he represents a country, which openly opposed the U.S.-led war in Iraq and espoused a peaceful end to the Iraqi crisis. In the run-up to the Iraq war, Egypt sternly warned against the dire consequences to be unleashed by the American military adventurism. Over the past two years, Egypt has been in the forefront of countries wholeheartedly seeking to re-establish stability to Iraq. So kidnapping an Egyptian diplomat is not the proper way to show appreciation to Cairo’s efforts.
Al-Sharif’s abduction comes as a grim reminder of deterioration in Iraq. Insecurity is a major hindrance to the return of life to normal to Iraq and the flow of badly needed investments. Over recent months, Iraq has been hit by a spate of kidnappings, many of them unleashed by gangs seeking ransoms. Likewise, the deadly attacks, the victims of which were mainly innocent civilians. Such dastardly deeds cannot be described as resistance. …
The Egyptian Gazette, Cairo