Animal abuser got off lightly
A nationally aired article says, “Ulysses S. Zimmerman, Point Marion, Pa., was sentenced to wear a sign for animal cruelty and endured more than he expected” in abuse from the public. I suppose that the helpless dog was pretty unprepared for its own abuse and death due to cruelty and neglect. The “abuse” (Oh, please!) this man received, compared to the suffering of a helpless animal, seems deserved and the sentence mild. It has been shown time and again, that people who are cruel to animals carry that attitude to the unfortunate people in their lives. The story goes on to say, “Robin Moore, the Fayette County Humane Officer who devised the sentence, allowed Zimmerman to leave early because of all the abuse passing motorists hurled at him.”
“Everybody started screaming at me and cussing me. I got there at 9:30 a.m., but Robin said at noon that she’d heard enough and that I could leave,” Zimmerman said.
Moore had the right idea on the sentence, but dropped the ball when this man was allowed to walk away early. His dog did not have that luxury.
Zimmerman deserved every insult, curse word and taunt that he received for the time assigned.
He confessed to the crime, remember? He got off too lightly.
He needs to be put on a busier street corner to finish the original sentence – or, better yet throw him in jail after he pays a hefty fine.
Unfortunately, people like this man usually don’t learn from their actions, as authorities are traditionally too lenient on animal abuse.
Sandra Sue McCoy
South Daytona Beach, Fla.