Brownsville board erred
I would like to commend the three Brownsville Area School Board members for doing their elected jobs and not allowing their (personal) opinions to influence their vote in favor of ACT 72; they are Stella Broadwater, John Evans and Nena Kaminsky. To the other five board members, who I will not name because I feel they do not deserve recognition, shame on you. You allowed your opinions to influence your vote and totally ignored the taxpayers and voting public you are elected to represent. When an elected representative ignores the peoples’ voice and injects their own thoughts and ways, they go from being a representative to a dictator.
You did not give a care whether the taxpayer actually would get tax relief, only that the board would be losing its power to raise taxes beyond the rate of inflation without voter approval. So I say to all the voting taxpayers in the Brownsville Area School District, do you want to have representatives working for you or do you prefer dictators telling you what to do?
Come the November election I know how I will be voting – and I hope you do to, because the last time I checked I lived in the USA where your voice counts. And to Superintendent Larry Golembiewski, $89 to $100 may not seem like a great deal of money to you, as you are making a $100,000.00 yearly salary off the backs of the taxpayers. But to those who earn significantly less or are on fix incomes, it is.
Charles Geisel