Thief chastised
As I write this letter I’m crying, because someone so mean and hateful stole my water fountain that my daughter bought me. My daughter, who is battling cancer, bought the fountain for me because I love to sit on my porch and she wanted me to have it to remember her.
I am so devastated about the loss of it. To whoever stole it, the person or persons, I hope you die a thousand deaths. That’s how I feel.
You’ve taught me how to hate and I was never like that, but I am now.
As I read the paper, this morning it said another demon stole a little crippled girl’s quad. I guess there are a lot of demons out there.
You people, if I can call you people, don’t have a heart. If you did you wouldn’t have stolen. But I pray that you will answer for it one day.
Bonnie Pritts