Change animal laws
This is in regard to the article that ran on June 15 concerning the dogs that were choked to death in Point Marion. First of all, to the owners of those dogs – what comes around goes around, and you WILL have to pay the price for the suffering you entailed on those dogs, not to mention the chaos that you created around your neighborhood.
Secondly, the animal cruelty laws in this state, and in this nation, need to be changed.
These people will probably be taken to prison for a night just to be given a small fine to pay and then be sent home. Whatever happened to an eye for an eye?
Maybe they should have to stay in prison for the next five years and be forced to wear an extremely tight collar around their necks along with it! Maybe that would make them think twice.
Tammy Coleman
Praise for McDermott
We read with pleasure John McDermott’s brave commentary in your June 5 issue. We are of a like mind and have become seriously disenchanted with the current administration and the media who, often unwittingly, promote its right-wing agenda.
Where are the true patriot/journalists? Not the ranting multitude with their monkey-tails wrapped around the flagpole.
Why is the Downing Street memo not on every front page? Thank you, Mr. McDermott, for helping to answer this question.
Lew Fisher