Bush has misplaced priorities
Wake up, Mr. Bush; it’s too little, too late again. When he went to Iraq to save the Iraqis, most all died. He had a blank check to spend in Iraq and for the victims of Katrina, he wants everyone to donate money. America doesn’t count at all anymore. Did you know Bush is building three new military bases in Iraq? That’s why he can’t stop this war. He’s building a new Iraq and that will be his baby, all for him, oil, etc.
The hurricane victims should have had help the very next day. It didn’t take Bush that long to destroy Iraq. When he finally went there to see the devastation he was the only one who went empty-handed; taking a load of food and water would have been nice.
He should open up his ranch to take people in and take care of them ’till other help comes along. Everyone should help, even him.
A Christian he is not.
He should hire that food company that is in Iraq to feed all these hurricane victims. But then we would really find how much they charge in U. S. bills in Iraq. Only Bush knows that cost.
About bashing Mr. Bush, what about the bashing of John Kerry and Bill Clinton, and on and on? Kerry was a flip-flop, they say, but I say Bush never told the truth in his life.
Good job, Mr. Sunyak and Paul Politis.
Why should we spend money for the women in Iraq to get to vote? We need that money for our schools here in United State. The “No Child Left Behind” law is a lie.
Bush has had one disaster after another. I think God is sending him a message. Our country is in big trouble. We’ll never be the same again. It’s about time the senators are speaking up about this horrible disaster and how it was handled.
I read where the state of New Orleans asked Bush for money to rebuild them levies, and he ignored it. Bush should be rebuilding other things that are getting old and need repaired here, not doing it in Iraq.
Emily Sipula