Five votes control school boards
Here’s a thought about taxes. First, you start out in life, find a job, save your money, go to the bank, get a loan, and buy a home. Once you get the loan you work yourself to death paying the loan off. Then you pay taxes on the home until the day you die. So why buy the home in the first place? You never own it, the government does. As taxpayers, are we getting a say as to how our tax dollars are spent? What about our local and state elected officials and some of these people running for office? Do you ever hear them say anything about the way our school boards are being run?
Don’t hold your breath because they are all counting votes. Most of them come from the same flock. They will tell you anything for your vote. What about our school boards throughout Fayette County? You do have some good people on some of these school boards. People that sit on these school boards make a difference. People that believe in our children’s future. People that try to change things. People that sit on these school boards for the right reasons.
Then you have other people that sit on these school boards just to get family members and friends jobs. What about our children? The same people that are given the jobs have to keep their friends on the school boards so they can get nice raises. School district after school district tells us that 68 to 70 percent of their budget goes to salaries.
That leaves about 30 percent to pay other bills. I am wondering how much of our tax dollars are spent on our children’s future. I believe school districts spend about $9,000 per year per student. Fayette County spends about $19,000 per year for someone in the Fayette County Prison. What is wrong with this picture?
Some of these people that run for a school board seat spend bug money to sit on a school board that does not pay them. Why? They need to get family and friends these fat pay checks, and nice pensions with free medical like their friends in Harrisburg.
Remember folks: It is all about having five votes on the school board. In ending this letter I hope the truth does not hurt too bad. I know I’ve make mistakes in life and God knows I might make more; I’m not perfect. I don’t look for excuses. God will judge me in his own way, but He will also judge these people for their actions because they are for gain and greed. Mine are not.
Brian Oros
North Union Township