Citizens have duty to speak out
After reading the criticism in Adrian Walls’ letter, I stand to defend the right of Emily Sipula to hold and express her opinions regarding the Bush regime. When a citizen feels our government is wrong it is their duty as a citizen to speak out.
Cindy Sheehan, a Gold Star Mother, had not said a word but was removed from the Halls of Congress during the State of the Union address because she was wearing a T-shirt with the number of dead Americans in Iraq.
Arm yourself with knowledge, my na?ve friend.
I know of no one who doesn’t support our troops, but when a few of the “criminal element” rape and murder they disgrace our country. U.S. Rep. Mr. John Murtha speaks the truth. Sipula truthfully stated that Bush borrowed money from foreign countries. We are currently well over our head in debt.
My husband, three brothers and many friends from our neighborhood marched off to World War II – young, strong and brave. For many years they fought to put an end to fascist regimes that were on the brink of world domination. Too many of our young men did not march back home. But they insured that you, Sipula and the other people whose opinions you criticize have the right to free speech.
You dishonor their memory and belittle their sacrifice when you espouse the official neocon line of criticism, shunning and exile.
If our dead departed heroes should awaken, would they find us still vigilant, or would they find fascism alive and well and living in America?
V.L. Witherspoon
North Union Township