
Conservative rant un-American

2 min read

Un-American. Disgraceful. Disgusting. Shameless. Adrian Walls of Uniontown penned a prime example of rabid (Ann) Coulterian conservative correctness in his Aug. 20 letter “Bush foes should leave country.”

The letter is a vicious rebuke to any and all who reject the Wild West philosophy of, “If you are not with us you are against us!” Mr. Walls forbids room for discussion, debate, thought diversity and even free speech. It is all his way or the highway, or as Adolph Hitler phrased it, “One mind, one heart.”

Especially brazen is Mr. Walls’ insensitive condemnation of U.S. Rep. John Murtha, who has served with distinction in the United States Marine Corps., performed combat duty in Vietnam, attained the rank of colonel and currently sits among the elders of the land as a member of the United States Congress.

Based on great knowledge and long experience, both of which these days are in short shrift within the Bush Administration, Rep. Murtha makes sound decisions and courageously speaks truth to power. His ultimate aim is to bring about a plausible resolution to our dilemma in the perpetual turmoil inherent among nations of the Near and Middle East.

I am compelled to ask which most accurately describes the state of affairs in Iraq: Is it civil war as Rep. Murtha says, or the last throes of the insurgency as Vice President Dick Cheney says? By now all should know where I stand.

I would not suggest that Adrian Wells and people who think like Adrian Wells “get out of the United States.” However, I do suggest that the whole world would be a heck of a lot better place if they would all seek the help they need to get a life.

Paul Lagojda



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